COMP 325 Lecture 12: Object Oriented Analysis: System Dynamics
major resources: Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis, Brown 2002, Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering 6ed, Schach 2005, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Schach 2008.

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Modeling System Dynamics

UML Statechart diagrams

state event-driven transition
initial state final state

Statechart Diagram for Logging into online banking service

UML Collaboration diagrams

Object and/or class
(do not include attributes)
can use stereotype figure or stick person
message passing (method invocation)
include sequence number
optional condition in [ ]
Association between classes

Collaboration Diagram for Elevator Button

UML Sequence diagrams

Object and/or class
(do not include attributes)
Actor (other stereotype
figures can be used)
Object lifeline
(starts when created)
Active section of timeline
Object destruction
(X at lifeline bottom)
message passing
(method invocation)

Sequence Diagram for Elevator Button

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Peter Sanderson (