Anatomy & Physiology Lecture Outline: Week #4a

LSc 107 Anatomy and Physiology Spring 1999

Thibodeau Ch 30

Acid: substance that adds H+ ions to solutions

Base: substance that removes H+ ions from solutions

Regulation of H+ ion concentration in the body fluids

Interior of cells (cytoplasm) is neutral, therefore what is meant is H+ concentration of extracellular fluids (ECF: including plasma, interstitial fluid, lymph, CSF … )

pH = -log [H+] pH scale from 0-14

pH scale - Fig. 30-1

pH 0 has maximum H+ ions, no OH- ions

pH 7 is balanced H+ = OH-

pH 14 has max OH- ions, no H+

normal pH of blood = 7.36 - 7.41, venous blood more acidic than arterial blood

Source of ions which influence pH

Ions from metabolism

Food which contribute acids

Foods which contribute bases

How is the pH of body fluids kept within a narrow range when, in most people, acids from metabolism are constantly being added? - Buffer mechanisms

Buffer mechanisms in the body Table 30-1

Buffers – chemical substances that help regulate pH, protect against drastic shifts in pH, Buffers can bind both H+ and OH- ions

Action of a buffer -

Composition of a buffer -

Buffer pairs in body fluids

How do buffers work in resisting change in pH when H+ or OH- are added?

Buffers act by replacing a strong acid or strong base (highly ionized fully dissociated, or split into ions) with a weak acid or weak base (not so likely to break down into ions, fewer H+ or OH- in solution)

Ex: NaHCO3-/H2CO3 buffer system

With strong acid:
NaHCO3 + HCl ® NaCl + H2CO3

HCl is a strong acid, H2CO3 is a weak acid, fewer H+ in solution

With a strong base:
H2CO3 + NaOH ® NaHCO3 + H2O
NaOH is a strong base, NaHCO3 is a weak base, fewer OH- in solution

What if the acid added to the solution is already a weak acid (carbonic, produced in metabolism)? It is buffered by an even weaker one

Fig. 30-5 buffering of H2CO3 by K salt of Hb

What is important in maintaining the effectiveness of the bicarbonate buffer system is the ratio of the salt (bicarbonates) 20: to 1 carbonic acid. If the ratio drifts away from this then that pair is not so effective in maintaining appropriate pH (body pH changes)

Carbonic acid buffer is important because it is widespread and because the body can adjust the ratio easily (CO2 blown off by lungs, H+ or HCO3 excreted by kidney as necessary)

IMPORTANT - chemical buffers do not get rid of the extra H+ ions added by metabolism. They merely mask them, until something more permanent occurs. Permanent unloading of acid takes place through the lungs and kidneys.


Respiratory Mechanism of pH Control

Of the equation CO2 + H2O n H2CO3 n H+ + HCO3-

In every breath CO2 is blown off. In 24 hrs ~30 liters of carbonic acid are removed

The pH of arterial blood therefore is slightly higher than venous (less CO2)

How does this mechanism adjust to different rates of production of acid? Fig. 30-8

Remember that the respiration center of the brainstem is sensitive to the pH or CO2 content of the blood supplying it.

Chemoreceptors in carotid arch signal O2 level. Fall in pH results in increase in rate and depth of breathing.

Increase in pH results in suppression of breathing rate

acidosis leads to hyperventilation to raise pH /alkalosis leads to hypoventilation to lower pH

Urinary Mechanism of Control of pH Fig. 30-11

Fig. 30-9

Summary: kidney gets rid of the H+ into the urine, and regains the HCO3-. Urine pH goes down, blood pH goes up.

Fig. 30-10

What determines how much H+ is excreted into urine?

Blood pH: more H+ there is, more is excreted via aldosterone mechanism - Fig. 30-11


Acid/Base Imbalances

pH vital for enzymes function

pH control within narrow limits necessary for maintaining function

Metabolic acidosis (bicarbonate deficit) /Metabolic alkalosis (bicarbonate excess)

Respiratory acidosis (carbonic acid excess) /Respiratory alkalosis (carbonic acid deficit)


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