LSc 107

Anatomy & Physiology

Course Syllabus
Lecture and Lab Schedule

Spring 1999

Wendy N. Johnston, Ph.D

Office: Science Room 103
Phone: 823-1119 (w)
Web Page:
Office Hours: W 11-11:50 a.m.; F 10 - 10:50 a.m., or by appointment

Classroom: Science Room 208 11:00-11:50 pm MTRF (W as announced)
Laboratory: Science Room 305 1:00-3:50 pm T or R

Text: Thibodeau and Patton (1999) Anatomy & Physiology, 4th edition, Mosby Inc., St.Louis.
Laboratory: Marieb, E.N. (1999) Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Cat Version, 6th edition.

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is mandatory at labs and exams. Lecture attendance is strongly encouraged as the lecture exams are designed to emphasize topics addressed in the lectures. Labs may be made up by attending another lab section of the same week (T or R only!) (with PRIOR approval of the instructor). Make-up exams will be given with prior approval only. Laboratory experience in an integral part of learning Anatomy & Physiology. Students will NOT pass the course if they do not pass the laboratory portion, or if more than one laboratory session is missed, for whatever reason.

Academic Integrity and Respect:

I will work to maintain an atmosphere of openness and mutual respect in this course and I fully expect all students to work in an ethical, honest, and respectful manner. The Otterbein College Campus Life Handbook contains the policies of Otterbein in several areas concerning academic integrity. Please refer to this manual if you have any questions.


Course Compression from 10 weeks to 7 weeks:

This quarter, LSc 107 will be taught at an accelerated pace in order to finish by the end of the 7th week. To assist students in processing more material per week, I will post my lecture outlines highlighting important concepts, figures, and tables from the text on my web page each week. I will also structure the lecture to cover the material reviewed in the Chapter Summaries at the end of each chapter. For those of you without convenient access to the Web, there will copies of the lecture outlines on reserve in the LSc Office and the Library. The outlines and the chapter summaries in the text should allow students to listen more carefully during lecture. I will also assign regular review questions and assignments to be completed outside of class. Occasionally it may be necessary to have class meetings on Wednesday (11:00 a.m.) for review.

Course content and study suggestions:


This course continues from LSc 106. The material covered will continue exploring the structure and function of organs and systems. How the body systems are integrated and maintain homeostasis will be emphasized. Preparation time outside of class will vary. Considering the pace of the course this quarter, I strongly suggest that you read the chapters of the text before coming to lecture, review notes from previous lectures filling in gaps from the text, and ask questions when you do not understand. It is imperative that you do not get behind. Biology in general is best learned in small quantities spending at least 30 - 60 minutes daily (5 days a week) reviewing your notes and text.


Laboratory exercises are designed to introduce techniques used in the lab, develop experimental design and analytical skills, and to reinforce concepts discussed in lecture. Preparing for the laboratory exercises prior to coming to the lab is essential.

In preparation for lab each week, you should read the lab manual, answer any pre-lab questions, and design experimental protocols as each exercise requires. You will also find it helpful to look up the relevant background material in your textbook.

This quarter, not all of the lab periods M, T, W, R are necessarily the same. It is important that you check with me before attending a M or W lab section.


Tentative Lecture Schedule


Topics Readings


M 3/29

T 3/30

R 4/1

F 4/2

Course Introduction

Digestive System

Good Friday (Otterbein Holiday) -- No Lecture

Chapter 25,26




M 4/5

T 4/6

R 4/8

F 4/9

Metabolism and Nutrition

Urinary System


Midterm #1

Chapter 27

Chapter 28



M 4/12

T 4/13

R 4/15

F 4/16

Urinary System

Fluid balance, Electrolyte balance

Acid/Base balance


Chapter 29,30



M 4/19

T 4/20

W 4/21

R 4/22

F 4/23

No class -- Dr. Johnston Conference in Washington D.C.

No class -- Dr. Johnston Conference in Washington D.C.

Nervous System

Midterm #2


Chapter 12,13


M 4/26

T 4/27

R 4/29

F 4/30

Nervous System


Chapter 14,15


M 5/3

T 5/4

R 5/6

F 5/7

Endocrine System

Reproduction and Development


Midterm #3

Chapter 16

Chapter 31



M 5/10

T 5/11

R 5/13

F 5/14

Otterbein College Science Lecture Series

Reproduction and Development


Final Exam

Chapter 32,33



Weeks 8-10


Additional Course Work as necessary




Laboratory Schedule

Week #
Topics Lab Exercises

The Digestive System




The Urinary System / Acid Base Demonstrations

41, 42 & handout

Dr. Johnston Conference in Washington D.C. -- No Lab

The Nervous System

selected sections

The Nervous System

selected sections

Project Presentations  



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