C SC 160 Chapter 7: Defining Your Own Classes (advanced)
major resource: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java, fourth edition, Wu, McGraw Hill, 2006

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Packages provide a way to organize programs and libraries that contain multiple classes

Javadoc comments

     * Converts a given amount in dollars into
     * an equivalent amount in a foreign currency.
     * @param dollar the amount in dollars to be converted
     * @return amount in foreign currency
    public double fromDollar(double dollar) {
       return (dollar * exchangeRate) ;
The above comments, when processed by javadoc in the context of a fully-commented CurrencyConverter class, will produce two portions of the documentation.

Study closely the correspondence between the code and the resulting documentation. Nice!

Overloading Constructors

A constructor is a special method which creates objects. We covered it in Chapter 4. Recall that its major function is to initialize any instance variables.

Here is example constructor from a CurrencyConverter class that has one instance variable, double exchangeRate;

   public CurrencyConverter( double rate ) {
       exchangeRate = rate;
Programmers often provide multiple constructors having default values for different combinations of instance variables. CurrencyConverter has only one instance variable, so consider one additional constructor that gives it a default value of 1.0.
   public CurrencyConverter( ) {
This constructor has no parameters, and works by invoking the other constructor with an argument value of 1.0. It is not unusual to define one constructor to do all the work and define the others to call it with the desired configuration of supplied and default values.

Here's another example of the technique, which shows 4 constructors

  import java.awt.Color;
  public class Square {
     private double height;
     private Color color;
     public final double DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 1.0;
     public final Color DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.BLACK;
     public Square(double ht, Color col) {
         height = ht;
         color = col;
     public Square(double ht) {
         this(ht, DEFAULT_COLOR);
     public Square(Color col) {
         this(DEFAULT_HEIGHT, col);
     public Square( ) {
     /********* remainder of class omitted *********/
This is called overloading. The compiler can distinguish between different versions of the constructor based on the different parameter types and counts (int versus String parameter, 1 versus 2 parameters, etc)

The examples above show a new use for the reserved word this. It is used to explicitly invoke one constructor from inside another constructor in the same class. Using this technique, one can define a multiple-parameter constructor to do the construction work then invoke it from lesser-or-no parameter constructors that pass on default initial values.

Overloading other methods

Overloading is not limited to constructors. Any method can be overloaded, so long as each version of the method has a distinguishable parameter list.

There is a related concept called overriding, that we have not considered. Overriding occurs when you write a method that has the same name and parameters as one of your inherited methods. The new version overrides the inherited one.

Objects as parameters and arguments

Methods can have parameters that are of object, not primitive, types.

Objects as return values

Methods can return an object instead of a primitive value. Example: Method that returns a string containing the sum of two integers. Code representing the responsibilities is bolded.
public String sumString(int a, int b) {
   String result = new Integer(a+b).toString();
   return result;

Call it in a statement like System.out.println(sumString(39290,9923));

The Fraction class

The textbook's Fraction class includes all the above, so we studied it as a detailed example.
[ C SC 160 | Peter Sanderson | Math Sciences server  | Math Sciences home page | Otterbein ]

Last updated:
Peter Sanderson (PSanderson@otterbein.edu)