C SC 160 Chapter 14: Event-Driven Programming and GUIs
major resource: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java, fourth
Wu, McGraw Hill, 2006
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- intro to GUIs (Graphical User Interface) and events
- Java classes for GUI programming
- the javax.swing package, aka the Swing classes
- concepts and techniques for event-driven programming
intro to GUIs and events
- GUI = Graphical User Interface
- very brief history
- what an event is
- why events and GUI go together
- interaction paradigms: QWERTY, horseless carriage
Marshall McLuhan: "We look at the present through a rearview mirror.
We march backwards into the future."
- i.e., new devices are interpreted in terms of existing paradigms.
Software architecture for GUI apps: MVC
- software architecture refers to components comprising the app and their relationships
- the Model-View-Controller (MVC) software architecture is desirable
- a Model component represents underlying functionality, like the ClickCounter class from earlier
- a View component is a visual representation of that functionality, the visible GUI
- a Controller component manipulates the other two, usually in response to a user input event
- MVC conceived during Smalltalk (Alan Kay) language/environment development
- key is separating model (functionality) from the other two
- major advantage: can apply alternate or multiple views to same functionality
- examples we have seen so far:
- the click counter app:
- model: ClickCounter class
- view: ClickCounterView class
- controller: the private incButtonListener, decButtonListener, and
resetButtonListener classes
- the adding machine app:
- model: Accumulator class
- view: AddingFrame class
- controller: the private Listener classes
- the Mastermind app:
- model: MMGame class
- view: Mastermind class
- controller: the private Listener classes
Java classes for GUI programming
- originally java.awt packages (aka AWT classes)
- AWT = Abstract Windowing Toolkit
- AWT classes implemented using objects of underlying OS (e.g. Windows, MacOS, OS/2)
- AWT supplanted by javax.swing packages (aka Swing classes)
- Swing classes implemented in Java so look/feel is consistent and OS-independent
- class names are similar: AWT's Button --> Swing's JButton
- AWT retained for compatibility
- many "behind the scenes" AWT classes are essential
- recommend using Swing for visual elements and not mixing in AWT elements
The Swing classes
- Main application window class is defined as subclass of JFrame
- Frequently used GUI component classes include:
- JButton a clickable button
- JLabel a decorative (non-interactive) element
- JTextField a box into which one line of text can be displayed/entered
- JTextArea a box into which multiple lines of text can be displayed/entered
- JMenuBar the menu bar that typically extends across the top of the window
- JMenu a menu heading (e.g. File, Edit, Help) displayed on the menu bar
- JMenuItem a menu item (e.g. New, Open, Close) associated with a menu
- There are dozens of others, check the documentation
Anatomy of a simple GUI app
Note: this describes just one way to organize; there are many ways
- Define the "view", the main application window class, as a subclass of JFrame
- this is commonly referred to as "the frame"
- declare the GUI components as instance variables
- create and configure the GUI components in the constructor
- add the GUI components to the frame's content pane
- use layout managers to flexibly place components in the frame
- associate "responsive" GUI components (e.g. buttons) with controller objects (see below)
- Define the "controller" as private class(es) inside the frame class
- the controller class is defined to "implement an event listener interface"
- each term in the quoted phrase has distinct meaning in Java
- interface is like a class except it consists only of declared methods
- implements forces the controller class to define the method(s) it "inherits" from the interface
- the java.awt.event package includes a hierarchy of interfaces for "listening to events"
- a typical "controller" will be associated with a button. Such a controller:
- is defined as a private class that implements ActionListener
- must define one method: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- this method defines how the app will respond when the corresponding button is clicked
- it manipulates the model component and GUI as appropriate
- as an "inner class", the controller has access to the GUI components (frame's instance variables)
- Define the "model" (the class providing functionality) as a separate class. It must exist and be at least "stubbed in"
(compilable) before the GUI can compile.
- You need a main() somewhere to initiate execution. This can either defined either
in a separate class (as is done in the adding machine app) or in the frame class (as is done in the mastermine app).
We will examine one or more examples, such as the ones listed above
(click counter, adding machine, mastermind).
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Last updated:
Peter Sanderson (PSanderson@otterbein.edu)