CS Education
Computer science is a relatively new field, and our subject matter is challenging and difficult to teach. I regularly attend SIGCSE and make an effort to contribute to research in computer science education whenever possible.
Start Concurrent
A lot of my efforts in CS education have been focused on a text book called Start Concurrent: An Introduction to Problem Solving in Java with a Focus on Concurrency, written with Aditya Mathur and Tim Korb. Since concurrency isn't going anywhere, we wanted to write a text book that built in concurrency from the very beginning.
Start Concurrent is intended to serve as a text book for first and second semester programming courses in Java. A completely free HTML version is available below.
If you would prefer to purchase a hard copy or a Kindle version, those are available from Amazon through the links below.
Other Publications
- B. Wittman and J. Pretz. Bats, Balls, and Lures: Cognitive Style in CS Education. In Proceedings of SIGCSE '15, pages 447-451, ACM, 2015.
Available http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2676723.2677291 - D. Ernst, B. Wittman, B. Harvey, T. Murphy, M. Wrinn. Preparing Students for Ubiquitous Parallelism. In Proceedings of SIGCSE '09, pages 136-137, ACM, 2009.
Available http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1539024.1508917