
The following is a tentative listing of the schedule of the course. Each day of the week will be filled in as topics are covered. The slides used in each class will be made available for download here.

Week Starting Topics Monday Wednesday Friday
1 01/13/25 Introduction Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
2 01/20/25 Kernel and System Calls MLK Day Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Assignment 1 Due
3 01/27/25 Processes, Files, and Signals Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Assignment 2 Due
4 02/03/25 Interprocess Communication Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
5 02/10/25 Shared Memory Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Project 1 Due
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
6 02/17/25 Networking Exam 1
Assignment 3 Due
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
7 02/24/25 More Networking Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
Assignment 4 Due
Slides (PDF)
Slides (PPTX)
8 03/03/25 Internet
Project 2 Due
03/10/25 Spring Break
9 03/17/25 Threading
Assignment 5 Due
10 03/24/25 Synchronization Primitives Exam 2
Assignment 6 Due
11 03/31/25 More on Synchronization Primitives
12 04/07/25 Synchronization Problems
Project 3 Due
13 04/14/25 Parallel and Distributed Systems Good Friday
Assignment 7 Due
(Due Thursday)
14 04/21/25 Review
Assignment 8 Due

Exam Schedule

Here is the tentative exam schedule listed separately.

  • Exam 1: Monday, 02/17/2025, in class
  • Exam 2: Monday, 03/24/2025, in class

  • Final: Wednesday, 04/30/2025, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Assignment Schedule

Here is the tentative schedule of assignment due dates listed separately.

  • Assignment 1: Friday, 01/24/2025
  • Assignment 2: Friday, 01/31/2025
  • Assignment 3: Monday, 02/17/2025
  • Assignment 4: Monday, 02/24/2025
  • Assignment 5: Friday, 03/21/2025
  • Assignment 6: Friday, 03/28/2025
  • Assignment 7: Thursday, 04/17/2025
  • Assignment 8: Friday, 04/25/2025

Project Schedule

Here is the tentative schedule of project due dates listed separately.

  • Project 1: Monday, 02/10/2025
  • Project 2: Friday, 03/07/2025
  • Project 3: Friday, 04/11/2025