
Turning in Projects

All projects are team projects in this course. For each project, all students must form teams of four or five. Students are permitted to select their own teams, which will be fixed for the entire semester. Students should select their teams through Brightspace.

Teams are responsible for dividing their workload. Except under extreme circumstances, all members of the team will receive the same grade for each project. The files for each submission should be committed to a private repository on GitHub before the due date. Projects must not be stored in a public folder. If the project is late, the group will receive a score of 0. If the project does not compile, the team will receive a score of 0.

Projects will be graded based on the following criteria:

  1. Correctness
    Finding the right answer

  2. Efficiency
    Efficiently using processor and memory resources

  3. Formatting
    Displaying the right answer according to instructions

  4. Testing
    Providing appropriate tests

  5. Style and Documentation
    Producing readable code with appropriate comments

Late projects will not be accepted.

Under no circumstances should a team member look at the code written by another team. Tools will be used to detect code similarity automatically.