Assignment 2: Reflection on the Design Document
Due by: Monday, October 21, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Writing Intensive courses require a number of informal, ungraded writing assignments. In this course these assignments provide an opportunity to practice your written communication skills and reflect on the software engineering process. Although they are ungraded, you must address the questions listed in the document or risk forfeiting the points allocated for each assignment. Please make an effort to use good style, to write grammatically, and to spell your words correctly.
Complete the following group feedback form and the informal writing prompt below it.
Written communication is different from oral communication in that it is more intentional and more structured. Do not simply transcribe what you might say. Instead, craft a message.
Directness is a hallmark of good writing. Avoid clichés. Avoid prepositional phrases that add little information such as "in my opinion" or "upon further reflection." If adjectives or adverbs do not change the meaning of a sentence, omit them. In particular, avoid intensifiers and qualifiers such as "very," "a bit," "extremely," and "somewhat" as they do not add detail to your message.
Make an effort to build your reflection around some central idea rather than answering the questions in a disconnected way. Try to make the reflection flow and be enjoyable to read.
Although this assignment is informal, avoid slang, abbreviations, and profanity.
There are many guides to writing style. One of my favorites is the classic Strunk and White.
Questions about grammar are usually easy to Google, but I particularly like Paul Brians' page of common errors in English usage.
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Upload your Word or PDF file to Brightspace. Your assignment must be submitted by Monday, October 21, 2024 at 11:59 p.m..
All work must be done individually. Please refer to the course policies if you have any questions about academic integrity. If you have trouble with the assignment, I am always available for assistance.