Assignment 6: Check the Flow

Due by: Friday, November 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Assignment 6 is a written assignment whose questions can be found here.

Turn In

Type (and draw) your answers and save them in a Word, LaTeX, or PDF file. Upload the file to Brightspace. If you are using LaTeX, please submit the source code, any image files, and the final PDF in a zip file. Your assignment must be submitted by Friday, November 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.. Grace days are not available for assignments.

All work must be done individually. You may discuss general concepts with your classmates, but it is never acceptable for you to look at someone else's solution. Please refer to the course policies if you have any questions about academic integrity. If you have trouble with the assignment, I am always available for assistance.


Each question is worth 20% of the total. 1% extra credit toward your final grade will be awarded for typing your solution in LaTeX and providing both the source .tex file and the compiled PDF. Unfortunately, LaTeX is not so good at drawing graphs without a lot of outside help. You can create the graphs in PowerPoint or some other tool, dump each graph into a PDF, and then include those PDF images in your LaTeX.