
Turning in Projects

All projects are individual projects in this course. Each project must be uploaded into Blackboard. Projects must not be stored in a public folder. If the project is late, the student will receive a score of 0. All project submissions must follow the provided file name requirements or risk a score of 0. If the project does not compile, the student will receive a score of 0.

Projects will be graded based on the following criteria:

  1. Correctness
    Finding the right answer

  2. Formatting
    Displaying the right answer according to instructions

  3. Style and Documentation
    Producing readable code with appropriate comments

Late projects will not be accepted, with the following exception. Each student has 3 grace days. These grace days may be used together or separately to allow a 24-hour extension of the project deadline per grace day. A student wishing to use a grace day must inform the instructor via e-mail before the normal deadline and make arrangements to turn the project in before the new deadline.

Under no circumstances should any student look at the code written by another student. Tools will be used to detect code similarity automatically.