Listed here is a description of course policies. In general, these are taken directly from the syllabus.
Grading Policies
The final grade for this course will depend upon the grades and scores earned on course components weighted as follows:
24% | Assignments |
24% | Projects |
5% | Self-assessments |
12% | Chapter tests |
20% | Unit tests |
15% | Final exam |
Grades will be computed by rounding numerical percentages to the nearest integer and applying the following table:
A | 93-100 | B- | 80-82 | D+ | 67-69 |
A- | 90-92 | C+ | 77-79 | D | 60-66 |
B+ | 87-89 | C | 73-76 | F | 0-59 |
B | 83-86 | C- | 70-72 |
Grades for each project, assignment, self-assessment, and test will be recorded in Brightspace. Students may compute their current average by using these scores with the weights listed above.
Attendance and Participation Policy
This course does not have a mandatory attendance policy. Its format is hybrid. Students are required to come to class only on the three unit test days and the final exam. On other days, students are welcome to come to class for help understanding the material.
Except in the case of documented emergencies, tests cannot be made up afterwards. For excused absences, students must arrange to take the test before the normally scheduled time. Arrangements must be made with the instructor at least two weeks prior to the scheduled time.
Students are expected to maintain an attitude of respect at all times toward their colleagues, the equipment, and the instructor. Students who use offensive language or are otherwise disruptive of the classroom will be asked to leave.
Academic Honesty
Academic dishonesty includes cheating, complicity, falsification, multiple submission, and plagiarism. To understand better what each of these kinds of dishonesty entails, see the full statement on Academic Dishonesty in the Campus Life Handbook, beginning at the bottom of page 47.
All cases of suspected Academic Dishonesty will be forwarded to Academic Affairs. To learn more about the process, see the above cited section of the Campus Life Handbook. Academic Dishonesty may result in automatic failure of the assignment or the course itself, or even suspension or expulsion proceedings.
You are plagiarizing when you:
- Copy material from a source without using quotation marks and proper citation.
- Follow the movement of the source, substituting words and sentences but keeping its meaning, without citing it.
- Lift phrases or terms from a source and embed them in your own prose without using quotation marks and proper citation.
- Borrow ideas (that are not common knowledge) from a source without proper citation.
- Turn in a paper wholly or partially written by someone else.
If you are uncertain about when and how to cite sources, or what is allowable in completing assignment and exams, please speak with your professor.
All work in this course must be completed by students individually, without assistance from anyone other than the instructor. Students can discuss the course material with each other, but all work must be done individually. For all activities in the course, students are expected to act according to the official policy on academic dishonesty and the highest standards of personal integrity.
Although generative AI tools like ChatGPT are impressive, they must not be used for help on any work to be turned in for this class. ChatGPT may be used to explain problems or to suggest answers but only after the work in question has been turned in. Students who do not solve problems for themselves have missed the opportunity to gain the skills of logical analysis and translation to Excel syntax.
For the first infraction of academic honesty in this course, the instructor will seek a penalty of a 0 for the project, lab, or exam in question and a reduction of a full letter grade in the final grade. If a second infraction occurs, the instructor will seek the maximum penalty possible under the University's regulations.
Statement on Credit Hour Definition/Expectation for Student Work
For each credit hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction, students are expected to engage in two hours of out-of-class work (readings, homework, studying, project preparation, etc.). A one-credit-hour course requires three total hours per week of work, whether in the classroom or outside. These expectations are the same for blended and online courses, with some or all of the direct faculty instruction occurring online instead of in a classroom.
Nondiscrimination at Otterbein
Otterbein University is committed to providing a welcoming environment free from unlawful discrimination. To this end, the University prohibits any form of discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, gender, pregnancy, religion, creed, marital status, partnership status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, disability, military status, or any other legally protected status in its programs and activities. All Otterbein faculty and staff share in the responsibility to create a safe learning environment for all students and for the campus as a whole. Students who believe they have been discriminated against should contact the Office of Human Resources, (614) 823-1805 / hr@otterbein.edu.
Any person may report sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking by contacting Julie Saker, Deputy Title IX Coordinator at (614) 823-1154 / jsaker@otterbein.edu.
If a student would prefer to share information about sexual harassment, sexual violence or discrimination to a confidential employee who does not have a reporting responsibility, they can contact the Counseling Center, (614) 823-1333 / counseling@otterbein.edu, or the WGSRC Peer Advocates, wgsrc@otterbein.edu.
Information about these policies can be found here.
Disability Services
The University has a continuing commitment to providing access and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities, including mental health diagnoses and chronic or temporary medical conditions. Students who may need accommodations or would like referrals to explore a potential diagnosis are urged to contact Disability Services (DS) as soon as possible. DS will facilitate accommodations and assist the instructor in minimizing barriers to provide an accessible educational experience. Please contact DS at DisabilityServices@otterbein.edu. More info can also be found here. Your instructor is happy to discuss accommodations privately with you as well.
Counseling Services
Given the level of uncertainty in the world, many students might experience feelings of threat, fear, and uneasiness. For extra support – in the way of just being able to verbalize your feelings to an interested outsider, gaining some reassurance and validation of your feelings, making plans to move forward optimistically and safely – reach out to any staff. Otterbein staff want to provide not only respect but also verbal and emotional support and encouragement. The Counseling Center can be reached at (614) 823-1333. You can also call or text 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline of Ohio, for 24/7 access to a mental health professional.
Academic Support Center
The Academic Support Center (ASC) helps students develop and strengthen the skills necessary to attain their academic goals. They support student learning and success through: tutoring, teaching, disability services, and academic coaching. All services are free for Otterbein students. Their purpose is to help students be academically successful. Please contact them to request a tutor or learn more about the ASC by calling (614) 823-1610 or visiting the ASC website.
Library Services
The Courtright Memorial Library provides a broad range of services and resources, from color printing and a game collection to 24/7 access to more than 220 scholarly databases and e-books here. On-campus students can access in-person help, quiet study spaces, and open computer labs during the library's open hours.
Students can also access the many e-textbooks on reserve by clicking the Course Reserves tab on the library web page or find help for a specific subject area by searching LibGuides.
Need more help? Students can chat with a librarian by clicking the Ask Me tab on the right side of the library homepage. Students also may e-mail the library at library@otterbein.edu. For in-depth research help, make an appointment for a virtual research consultation with your personal librarian.