Upper Three OSI Layers
Each will be presented in Overview:
Session, Presentation, Application
Session Layer Overview
Establish and maintain synchronized communication sessions between users/applications operating at higher (presentation/application) layers
First layer with which user may directly interact
Relationship between session connection and transport connection may be:
One-to-one : transport connect during session connect; disconnect similar
Many-to-one : multiple serial session connects over one transport connect
One-to-many : multiple transport connects for a single session (ftp, lost connect)
Design Issues
1. Session management
- Protocols to establish connection,
- Protocols to maintain connection, and re-establish if lost
- Protocols to disconnect
2. Dialog management
- e.g. Enforcing a half-duplex (sequential) communication
- transport connection may be full-duplex
- session layer forces transaction activities to be half-duplex
- such a protocol may use a token to enforce
- example
: cannot issue second query until received reply to first one
- example
: automated teller (ATM) operation
3. Synchronization
- State to which session can be "rolled back" if problem occurs
- Major and minor synchronization points
- Major: must be acknowledged by user before session can continue
- Minor: checkpoints that need not be explicitly acknowledged
4. Thread management
- Only if multiple activity threads occur in session
Presentation Layer Overview
- "layer in search of a function" -- Andrew Tanenbaum
- Has evolved into "data representation layer"
First layer to be concerned with data syntax/semantics
Major concern is encoding and decoding (in the most general sense)
Design Issues
1. Data translation
- Example: ASCII vs. EBCDIC
- Example: one's complement vs. two's complement
- Example: big-endian vs. little-endian
- Where should translation occur?
Suppose sender uses encoding A, receiver uses encoding B
- At sender: sender translates A->B, transmits B (ADV/DIS)
- At receiver: sender transmits A, receiver translates A->B (ADV/DIS)
- Indirect: sender translates A->C, transmits C, receiver translates C->B. C must be a standard machine-independent encoding (ADV/DIS)
- ISO 8824 specifies Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) as object-based machine-independent format.
2. Data Compression
- Run length compression
- Best when data contain long runs of repeated symbol (bit, byte, etc)
- Replace run with: marker, symbol, number of occurrences (fixed length or use end marker)
- Statistical compression
- Design encoding scheme such that:
higher the frequency of symbol occurrence, the shorter its code
- Example: Morse code
- Example: Huffman coding. Essence of encoding strategy:
- build binary tree of symbols, level based on frequency (highest at root)
- symbol code is path from root to symbol (0= take left branch, 1= right)
- Relative or differential compression
- Start with full frame
- each subsequent frame contains only difference between it and previous
- (remember the 5-bit differential encoding assignment?).
3. Encryption/Decryption
- Cryptology: study of ciphers
- Cryptography: designing ciphers
- Cryptanalysis: breaking ciphers
- Method requires algorithm(s) and key(s)
- Traditional methods
- Substitutions (disguise symbols)
- Transposition (re-order symbols)
- Combination of the two
- Requirements:
- key known only to sender and receiver
- decryption algorithm exists
- public key cryptography
- developed by Hellman and Diffie at Stanford (1976)
- Essence:
- Encryption algorithm E is public and uses public key
- Decryption algorithm D is private and uses private key
- Plaintext message P.
- Characteristics of algorithms D and E:
- D (private) is "very difficult" to deduce from E
- E (public) cannot be broken by plaintext attack
- D(E(P) ) = P
- Sender encrypts P using receiver's public algorithm and key ER
- Sender transmits ER(P)
- Receiver decrypts using its private key: DR(ER(P)) = P !
- And many more (that time does not permit), such as
- Data Encryption Standard (DES), developed by IBM in 70s
- Escrowed Encryption Standard, including Clipper chip and skipjack algorithm, that allows government a back-door key
- Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA), a public-key encryption method
4. Authentication
- Assuring that message comes from who it says it does : digital signature
- extends public key encryption by adding fourth characteristic: E(D(P)) = P
- procedure:
- sender applies its private DS to P
- sender encrypts the result using receiver's public ER
- sender transmits result: ER(DS(P))
- receiver applies its private DR to get DR(ER(DS(P))), which is DS(P)
- receiver applies sender's public ES to get ES(DS(P)), which is P !
- If the message had come from a different sender, last step would fail.
Application Layer Overview
Application programs intended for end use.
These are so varied in nature as to defy standardization.
Textbook describes some common applications for which ITU-T standards exist
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notes | CSC 465 | Peter Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU
Last reviewed: 27 April 1998
Peter Sanderson ( pete@csc.smsu.edu )