

Major distinction: analog vs digital.


Analog information is continuous and has infinite number of values (traditional clock with moving hands, electrical current into your house)


Digital information is discrete and has limited number of values (clock with digital display, 0 or 1 for binary)



Analog signals


 Amplitude : value at any instant of time

 Frequency : number of cycles per unit time


Period : amount of time to complete one cycle ( reciprocal of freq )

Phase : position of waveform relative to time zero.




Digital Signals




Time and Frequency Domain







In general, transmission rate limited by medium.






Some Theoretical Limits on XMIT RATE



Will use voice grade telephone as example: typical usable bandwidth is 3000 Hz.


Nyquist theorem (1924) provides theoretical upper bound on bits per second (BPS), assuming noiseless wire.


D = 2 B log2 K


D = max BPS rate

B = Baud rate (# signal changes per second - equivalent to bandwidth)

K = number of signal levels


As noted above, baud rate is limited by wire bandwidth. In the phone example, upper bound is about 3000 Hz.


For binary (2-level) signal and 3000 Hz Baud, D = 2 * 3000 * 1 = 6000 !!!


So how can modems achieve high throughput (e.g. 9600, 14.4K, 28.8K BPS)? By increasing the value of K!


If the number of signal levels were two, you are limited in a practical (not theoretical) sense to 2400 BPS. Each doubling in the value of K adds another multiple of B. Notice then that BPS and Baud are not the same thing, although Baud is used almost universally to mean BPS.


Details on all this will be found in the notes on ENCODING.


Basically, a two-level signal allows you to encode one bit per signal change (or baud). A four-level signal allows you to encode two bits per baud (e.g. +30v is 00, +15v is 01, -15v is 10, -30v is 11). An eight-level signal allows to you encode three bits per baud, etc.

"Number of signal levels" can be implemented as detectible changes in any of the three waveform properties: amplitude, period (frequency), phase. Details in notes on ENCODING


Noisy transmission medium


Nyquist applies only to noise-free. Extended by Shannon in 1948 to include noise.


D = H log2 (1+S/N)


D = max BPS rate

H = available bandwidth

S/N = signal-to-noise ratio (thermal noise) on medium.


Given H=3000, and S/N = 1000 (typical analog phone line), D = 30,000 !!!


Regardless of number of signal levels. What is required S/N to double the D with fixed H?


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Last reviewed: 20 January 1998

Peter Sanderson ( )