OSI 7-layer network reference model



1. visualization



2. interface and protocol



3. headers



Layer 1: Physical layer (Fig 3.4, p 39)


Purpose: convert between bits and signals, transmit over physical communication medium

Major issues:



Layer 2: Data Link Layer (Fig 3.5, p 40)


Purpose: error-free delivery of frames (data+header+trailer) from one station to next

Major issues:

For LANs, this layer has been subdivided into logical link control (LLC) and media access control (MAC) sublayers



Layer 3: Network layer (Fig 3.7, p 42)


Purpose: control subnet operation -- source to destination delivery of packet (header+frame)

Major Issues:

Note: network layer addresses are logical, not physical, because they must be uniform across different underlying (data link) technologies.



Layer 4: Transport layer (Fig 3.9, p 44)


Purpose: source to destination delivery of messages (collection of packets). Note: this is the first end-end layer. Considers source to be directly connected to destination.

Major Issues:



Layer 5: Session layer (Fig 3.11, p 46)


Purpose: provide session-oriented services between source and destination

Major Issues:



Layer 6: Presentation layer (Fig 3.12, p 47)


Purpose: provide common data representation services

Major Issues:



Layer 7: Application layer (Figure 3.13, p 48)


Purpose: provide specific network application software to users

Major Issues:



Related Home Pages: notes | CSC 465 | Peter Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU

Last reviewed: 20 January 1998

Peter Sanderson ( pete@csc.smsu.edu )