Error Detection and Correction
signal errors occur as result of interference, attenuation, etc
addressed at several OSI layers (one of its criticisms)
concentrate on data link layer here
error at data link level: 1 bit received as 0, or vice versa
consider error pattern:
- single bit
: one bit in data unit (e.g. byte, frame)
- burst
: multiple consecutive bits in data unit
- multiple bit
: multiple non-consecutive bits in data unit
major strategy: redundancy
Vertical Redundancy Check
a.k.a. parity check, append a parity bit to data unit
even parity: set parity bit so that total # of 1’s in unit (including itself) is even.
odd parity : similar
detects all errors where number of erroneous bits in unit is odd (1,3,5)
cannot detect even numbers of errors (parity will remain correct)
Longitudinal Redundancy Check
- 2-dimensional parity check
- parity check over a block of consecutive data units
- each data unit contains VRC parity bit
- append data unit containing parity bit for corresponding bit position across all data units in block
- cannot detect even numbers of errors in corresponding positions of even numbers of data units. (e.g. units 2 and 4 both have errors in bit positions 5 and 7).
Concerning the terms vertical and longitudinal:
Origins are in magnetic tape era.
Vertical refers to data stored across the width of the tape (e.g. a byte); longitudinal refers to information stored along its length. Reference: Introduction to Data Communications, by Larry Hughes, Jones and Bartlett, 1997, page 145.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
- CRC bits are appended.
- CRC value is such that combination of data and CRC bits form value divisible by "well-known" divisor (the generator polynomial).
- if receiver gets non-zero remainder, error occurred.
- uses modulo-2 arithmetic
- CRC generator (sender):
- start with original data M, r-degree generator polynomial G.
- append r 0’s to data, result is M'.
- divide M' by G, yielding quotient Q and remainder R.
- add R to M', yielding T.
- transmit T.
- CRC check (receiver):
- start with received data T+E, generator polynomial G.
- divide T+E by G, yielding quotient Q and remainder R
- if R is 0 then E is 0. truncate the last r bits of T and pass on.
- if R is not 0, then E is not 0. An error has occurred.
- polynomial representation
- divisor bit string usually expressed as polynomial on x
- exponent represents bit position and coefficient is bit value (0 or 1).
- example: string 100101 represented as x5+x2+1.
- there are standard generator polynomials
- CRC-16 : x16+x15+x2+1 (17 bit generator, yields 16 bit CRC)
- CRC-ITU : x16+x12+x5+1
- CRC-32 : (33 bit poly with many terms)
- probabily of undetected error is quite small.
Normally implemented in hardware using shift registers and XOR-gates with feedback. CRC-ITU is 10001000000100001. Corresponds to set of shift registers having 4, 7 and 5 bits, respectively
Error Correction
- Hamming distance
- given encoding, minimum # bits that must be flipped to change one valid code into another valid code.
- Example: Hamming distance for ASCII is 1.
- Example: encoding 1001, 0011, 1100, 0110, 1010, 0101, 0000, 1111 has distance 2 and can encode 8 values.
- n-bit errors can be detected if Hamming distance is n+1
- n-bit errors can be corrected if Hamming distance is 2n+1
- Hamming code (1950)
- allows receiver to determine which bit was flipped.
- redundancy bits placed in specific bit positions; each represents VRC over specific bit positions
- assume bit positions numbered starting with 1. Bit positions of redundancy bits are powers of 2 (1,2,4,8,etc). Redundancy bit in position i represents VRC over bit positions whose binary representation has 1 in its bit position i!
- Example: redundancy bit in position 1 is VRC for all odd-numbered bit positions: 1,3,5,7, etc (binary representation has 1 in position 1). Redundancy bit in position 3 is VRC for bit positions 4,5,6,7 (binary representation has 1 in position 3). Note the overlaps.
- number of redundant bits r required for unit of m data bits determined by smallest r such that 2r >= m + r + 1
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Last reviewed: 18 February 1998
Peter Sanderson ( )