Data Link Protocol Overview

Data link protocol types


XMODEM (half-duplex, stop-and-wait) Frame format is:

  1. SOH (start of header) byte
  2. 2 header bytes
  3. 128 data bytes
  4. CRC byte



BSC Data Frame format is:

  1. Two SYN bytes
  2. Optional SOH (start of header) followed by header
  3. STX (start text)
  4. Variable amount of data
  5. ETX (end text)
  6. CRC




HDLC Frame format is:

  1. Flag (01111110)
  2. Address (station address)
  3. Control (frame type: I or S or U, flow control info)
  4. Data
  5. Frame Check Sequence. The CRC.
  6. Flag (01111110)

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Last reviewed: 9 March 1999

Peter Sanderson ( )