Selected Physical Layer topics



Transmission Media


Distinguish guided (wired) from unguided (wireless)

Three major guided media for data comm.

1.        twisted pair

2.        coaxial

3.        fiber optic



Twisted Pair


-          copper wires in bundle grouped in pairs

-          max frequency about 5 MHz.

-          wires in pairs twisted for uniform noise effect
(effect based on distance from noise source, so equal avg distance)

-          UTP (unshielded) or STP (shielded)

-          UTP most common, categories 1 thru 5 based on quality and max xmit rate

-          Cat 1: low rates,
Cat 3: up to 10 Mbps (standard telephone, 3 twists/ft),
Cat 5: up to 100 Mbps (tighter twists)

-          Signal attenuates (degrades) with distance

-          Connectors: 4-8 pin RJ (standard telephone); RJ45 handles 4 pairs





-          a.k.a. coax

-          solid copper core, braided copper surround, separated by insulator

-          max frequency 500 MHz

-          various RG grades: higher the number the thinner (and more flexible) the cable (lower rates, shorter distances)

-          Thicknet (.5" diameter), Thinnet(.25"), baseband (dedicated bandwidth), broadband (cable TV - FDM), 10BaseX, are terms relevant to applications of coax (mostly ethernet)  See Ethernet chapter.

-          Connectors: various barrel network connectors (BNC): bayonet (1/2 turn with lock), threaded, slip-on.

-          Use of T-connector or vampire tap



Fiber Optic


-          inherently digital (light pulse). 

-          Fast but expensive; immune to electrical interference

-          current bandwidth limited by signal generator/detector technology, not medium

-          core fiber is very thin (typical 50-100 micrometers), fragile and relatively inflexible

-          each core has very thin cladding.  Its significance explained below.

-          various insulating configurations depending, on application/environment

-          Connectors: mostly barrel.  Must be very precise.

-          Signal generation/detection.  Light source either: LED (weak, unfocused, short distance, cheaper) or laser (the opposite).  Use photodiodes for detectors.


-          light transmission in fiber optic:

-          light travels in straight line until density of medium changes.

-          Fiber cladding is less dense than core. 

-          What happens when light beam in core strikes cladding (at some angle)?

-          Depends on the angle.  It may either be refracted into cladding (bad) or reflected back into core (good). 

-          Reflected beam will bounce in this fashion until destination


-          Multimode vs. single mode fiber:

-          Multimode: numerous light beams emitted at different angles from source.  Some travel straight thru, some bounce along.  Those that bounce along arrive later!  Received signal is a little out of focus.

-          Single mode: fiber is so thin that only beams traveling straight thru can fit.  Received signal is well-focused.  Only laser can do this.  Very expensive.





Major distinction: analog vs digital.

Analog information is continuous and has infinite number of values (traditional clock with moving hands, electrical current into your house)

Digital information is discrete and has limited number of values (clock with digital display,  0 or 1 for binary)


Analog signals


Signal may be periodic (continuously repeated pattern -- like sine wave) or aperiodic.


Periodic signal characterized by:


Amplitude : value at any instant of time

Frequency : number of cycles per unit time 


Period : amount of time to complete one cycle ( reciprocal of freq )

Phase : position of waveform relative to time zero.


Basic period unit is second.

Basic frequency unit is Hertz.

Basic phase unit is degrees or radians.

Can be represented by composition of sine waves.



Digital Signals


Also characterized by Amplitude, Period and Phase.

Represented by square waves.

Can be approximated using analog waves.


Time and Frequency Domain


Time domain graphs Time on X-AXIS, Amplitude on Y-AXIS

Frequency domain graphs Frequency on X-AXIS, Amplitude on Y-AXIS




Frequency graphed as Harmonic : multiple of "fundamental frequency"

Harmonic is discrete.

Frequency domain shows harmonic components of complex analog signal

Complex signal is composition of sine waves, each having different harmonic and amplitude.  This are discovered using Fourier Analysis.

As number of harmonics increases,  the approximation of original signal improves.

As number of harmonics decreases, it becomes more difficult to accurately represent and recognize the signal.


In general, transmission rate limited by medium.


Bandwidth is width of frequency range (spectrum) available to coding signals.

For binary (2 level) analog signals, the following (approximate) relationship holds.




If bandwidth is fixed, then increase in xmit rate must be offset by decrease in # harmonics transmitted.

Bandwidth of medium generally partitioned into fixed size subbands (channels), so fixed bandwidth is rule rather than exception.

Usually, frequencies at channel boundaries cannot be used (guard).



Analog-to-Digital happens when analog (POTS)  signal received at Central Office


§         Analog wave (from POTS line) encoded by digital pulses

§         Multistep process:

1.        Quantize (sample signal, assign integer value to sample)

2.        encode to binary (binary string that represents integer value)

3.        use D/D encoding to transmit (above)

§         Used to transmit analog telephone data on digital T-lines (e.g. T-1, T-2).

§         PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)

§         Sample analog signal at fixed intervals
(using PAM - pulse amplitude modulation)

§         Quantize signal value into integer in range -127 to +127

§         Integer encoded into 8-bit sign-and-magnitude number
(bit 7 is sign, bits 0-6 are absolute value)

§         8-bit value encoded for digital transmission

§         Two key factors:

§         Number of bits in encoding

§         Sampling rate (limits ability to decode signal)

§         Would like to small number of bits per sample, small number of samples

§         Small bits per sample limits precision of decoded signal

§         Nyquist: sampling rate must be at least double the highest frequency.

§         What is minimum sampling rate for voice-grade telephone comm?

§         PCM standard is 8000 samples/sec, 8 bits per sample (64000 bps -- not 64k!)



Digital-to-Analog signalling used by modems (receive digital signal, transmit analog)


§         Most common analog medium is voice-grade telephone line.

§         Encode by modulating a fixed carrier signal

§         Recall that signal has 3 components: amplitude, frequency, phase

§         Carrier has known amplitude, frequency, phase

§         Receiver compares received signal to carrier -- differences reveal the code


§         Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

§         Encode by modifying amplitude of carrier

§         Two amplitude values: one for 1 and one for 0

§         Can generate by: adding unipolar digital signal to carrier

§         Susceptible to interference (voltage spike affects amplitude)

§         One bit per baud

§         With clean line, can achieve baud rate equal to bandwidth, with carrier at midpoint of spectrum.


§         Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

§         Encode by shifting between two carrier frequencies (one for 1, one for 0)

§         Used in early modems

§         Not susceptible to interference

§         Can generate by: applying unipolar digital signal to one carrier, inverse digital to other, then summing the result

§         High bandwidth requirements: baud rate plus difference between two carriers (e.g., two ASK spectra with small gap between)

§         Space between two carriers must be: 2 * (half an ASK bandwidth)+gap = full ASK bandwidth+gap = baud rate + gap.

§         Example: for 600 bps, half-duplex (signal gets full bandwidth).
Carriers must be > 600 Hz apart -- assume 1000 Hz apart.
Lower half of lower carrier bandwidth is 300 Hz
Upper half of upper carrier bandwidth is 300 Hz.
Total is 300+1000+300 = 1600 Hz.


§         Phase Shift Keying  (PSK)

§         Encode by modulating phase of carrier
(amplitude and freq not affected)

§         Not susceptible to interference, low bandwidth requirements

§         For 2-PSK, define two phases, e.g. 0 and 180 degrees: one bit / baud

§         For 4-PSK, define four phases, e.g. 0,90,180,270 degrees: two bits / baud

§         For 8-PSK, define eight phases, e.g. 0,45,90,. . . degrees:  three bits / baud

§         Often shown as dots on a constellation diagram
(cartesean coordinate system, phase = angle of line from origin to dot, amplitude = length of that line)


§         Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)

§         Combination of ASK and PSK

§         Value determined by combined phase angle and amplitude

§         Always more phase angles than amplitudes
(less susceptible to noice, easier to distinguish)

§         8-QAM: 2 amplitudes, 4 phases for each amplitude (3 bits/baud)

§         Possible 16-QAM: 2 amplitudes, 8 phases for each amplitude (4 bits/baud)

§         Possible 16-QAM: 4 amplitudes, 8 phases, some combinations not used

§         Given 2400 baud limit on phone line, what is required for 14.4Kbps, 28.8?





Modulator / Demodulator


See notes on Digital-Analog Encoding (ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM)


Hayes and Hayes-compatible

-          Refers to modem with command interpreter

-          AT (attention) commands: AT command [parm] command [parm] . . .

-          Used for dialing and for other functions


Bell Modem Standards

-          for POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)

-          operate on 3000 Hz telephone channel

-          notice development trends

-          103 : FSK, 300 baud/bps (full duplex)

-          202 : FSK, 1200 baud/bps (half duplex)

-          212 : FSK 300 baud/bps (103-compatible) plus 4-PSK 600 baud/1200 bps

-          201 : 4-PSK 1200 baud/2400 bps

-          208 : 8-PSK 1600 baud/4800 bps

-          209 : 16-QAM 2400 baud/9600 bps (3? amplitudes, 12 phases)


ITU-T Modem Standards

-          The V series

-          Many are compatible with Bell (e.g. V.21 == Bell 103)

-          Selected standards:

-          V.22bis : 600 baud, 16-QAM for 2400bps plus 4-PSK for 1200 bps

-          V.32 : 32-QAM 2400 baud/9600 bps (trellis: each P and A combo represents 5 bits: 4 data bits plus one redundant bit)

-          V.33 : 128-QAM 2400 baud/14400 bps (trellis with 7 total, 6 data bits)

-          V.34 : 4096-QAM 2400 baud/28800 bps (12 bits/baud), 2-3 times higher thruput with compression



V.90: 56K modems


·         In Feb 1998, the ITU accepted K56flex as a new standard, now officially known as V.90 or V.pcm. 

·         V.90 is communication protocols that allows modems to communicate at speeds of up to 56K.

·         Because of current FCC limitations, the maximum speed is 53K, not 56K.

·         56K is only possible in downstream (when you're DOWNLOADING data) transfer; upstream (when you are UPLOADING information) is still 33.6K maximum.

·         56K is only possible if you're calling an ISP. Two 56K modems calling each other will NOT be able to reach 56K due to the fact that 56K technology requires a digital connection (like an ISP) at one end.

·         Reason for assymetry? Here's the best explanation I can gather from consulting several sources: Upstream signal is analog from you to Central Office, where codec does A-D conversion into PCM encoded signal. The encoding will not be perfect due to signal degradation between your house and CO, plus error due to A-D quantization. Downstream signal is digital from source (ISP, which transmits digital version of audio wave) to Central Office, where codec does D-A conversion.  Nothing is lost in the D-A conversion; the signal is precise going into the analog line and can therefore be transmitted more rapidly for given line.

·         Ability to achieve 56K depends on the quality of your phone line and many other factors (mostly beyond your control).



ADSL: Beyond modems


Assymetric Digital Subsriber Line (ADSL)

·         Allows downloads (from ISP to you) at over 1-8 Mbps, and uploads (from you to ISP) at typical 64-640 Kbps. That's why its called assymetric!

·         Uses existing copper wire. But you get the entire bandwidth, not just 4KHz. This is better than cable, where you have to share the bandwidth with others in your neighborhood.

·         Bandwidth is divided into 3 subbands: voice, upstream, downstream. So not only can you use the phone at the same time, but you get full-duplex digital communication to boot.

·         Higher frequencies are more sensitive to noise than lower frequencies, so maximum upload/download throughput will vary widely depending on distance from home to Central Office.

·         Works only if home is less than 3 miles from CO. Currently 80% of U.S. phones. If distance is greater, line contains "load coil" devices that boost the analog signal but also limit it to 4KHz bandwidth!

·         Uses ordinary twisted pair, but requires special equipment and service.

·         See



Some Theoretical Limits on XMIT RATE

 Will use voice grade telephone as example: typical usable bandwidth is 3000 Hz.

Nyquist theorem (1924) provides theoretical upper bound on bits per second (BPS), assuming noiseless wire.

D = 2 B log2 K


D = max BPS rate

B = Baud rate (# signal changes per second - equivalent to bandwidth)

K = number of signal levels

As noted above, baud rate is limited by wire bandwidth. In the phone example, upper bound is about 3000 Hz.

 For binary (2-level) signal and 3000 Hz Baud, D = 2 * 3000 * 1 = 6000 !!!

 So how can modems achieve high throughput (e.g. 9600, 14.4K, 28.8K BPS)? By increasing the value of K!

Nyquist applies only to noise-free. Extended by Shannon in 1948 to include noise.

 D = H log2 (1+S/N)


D = max BPS rate

H = available bandwidth

S/N = signal-to-noise ratio (thermal noise) on medium.

 Given H=3000, and S/N = 1000 (typical analog phone line), D = 30,000 !!!

 Regardless of number of signal levels. What is required S/N to double the D with fixed H?



Digital-to-Digital is used for purely digital communication (telco, LANs)


§         NRZ-L

§         Non-Return to Zero

§         1 is represented by positive voltage

§         0 is represented by negative voltage

§         (or vice versa)

§         RS-232 is example

§         Synchronization properties?

§         NRZ-I

§         Non-Return to Zero - Inverted

§         1 is represented by voltage transition (either direction)

§         0 is represented by no transition

§         good synch on strings of 1's, poor synch on strings of 0's (less frequent)

§         RZ

§         Return to Zero

§         Uses 3 levels: positive, negative, and 0 volts.

§         1 is represented by positive

§         0 is represented by negative

§         in either case, signal goes to 0 volts midway through bit interval (synch)

§         Note: requires double the bandwidth!

§         Manchester

§         Uses 2 levels: positive and negative voltage

§         1 is represented by negative-to-positive transition in mid-bit

§         0 is represented by positive-to-negative in mid-bit

§         if string of 1's or 0's, also have transition at beginning of bit (to get back).

§         Used in Ethernet

§         Differential Manchester

§         1 is represented by no transition at beginning of bit

§         0 is represented by transition at beginning of bit (either direction)

§         There is a bit transition in mid-bit in either case (for synch)

§         Used in Token Ring




[notes | CSC 465 | Peter Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]


Updated 3 May 2001