Brief overview of Encryption and Authentication





·         Cryptography: designing ciphers

·         Traditional methods

·         Substitutions (disguise symbols)

·         Transposition (re-order symbols)

·         Combination of the two

·         Requirements:

·         key known only to sender and receiver

·         decryption algorithm exists


·         public key cryptography

·         developed by Hellman and Diffie at Stanford (1976)

·         Essence:

·         Encryption key E is public

·         Decryption key D is private

·         Plaintext message M.

·         Characteristics of  D and E:

1.        D (private) is "very difficult" to deduce from E

2.        E (public) cannot be broken by plaintext attack

3.        D(E(M) ) = M 

·         Procedure:

1.        Sender encrypts M using receiver's algorithm and key ER

2.        Sender transmits ER(M)

3.        Receiver decrypts using its private key: DR(ER(M)) = M

·         And many more (that time does not permit), such as

·         Data Encryption Standard (DES), developed by IBM in 70s

·         Escrowed Encryption Standard, including Clipper chip and skipjack algorithm, that allows government a back-door key

·         Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA), a public-key encryption method




1.        sender applies its private DS to M

2.        sender encrypts the result using receiver's public ER

3.        sender transmits result:  ER(DS(M))

4.        receiver applies its private DR to get DR(ER(DS(M))), which is DS(M)

5.        receiver applies sender's public ES to get ES(DS(M)), which is M



Secure communication w/o encrypting data!


Technique developed by Ron Rivest ( the “R” in RSA) at MIT: chaffing and winnowing.

Basic concept:

Note that data themselves are not encrypted, and data field could be as short as 1 bit!

For more info, see:



How to obtain secret (for traditional) or public key in advance


Q: If symmetric (shared secret key) encryption is used, how do the two parties come to know the key if they have not “met” before?

A: obtain from mutually trusted intermediary, called Key Distribution Center (KDC).  The KDC is key server which also has a repository of secret keys between it and each of its clients.


Q: If assymmetric (public key) encryption is used, how does A learn what B’s public key is?

A: Get from B’s web site or other public place, or obtain certificate from mutually trusted intermediary called Certification Authority (CA).



Process for obtaining shared secret key, because A wants to communicate with B



A has secret key it shares with KDC.  This is KAK.

B has a secret key it shares with KDC.  This is KBK.


1.  A sends request to KDC


KAK ( < request_key, A, B >)


* request contains A and B i.d.s

* request encrypted with KAK


2.  KDC gets request

* decrypts to get  < request_key, A, B >

* generates random session key R


3.  KDC sends response to A


KAK ( < grant_key, R, KBK ( < lets_play, A, R > ) > )


* < lets_play,A,R >   contains A’s i.d. and shared session key R

* encrypt using KBK (which KDC and B know, but not A).  The result, KBK ( < lets_play, A, R > ), is sometimes called a ticket.

* response also contains separate copy of session key R that A can use

* response encrypted with KAK


4.  A gets response

*  decrypts to get R and the ticket.


5. A sends ticket to B


KBK ( < lets_play, A, R > )


6.  B gets ticket and decrypts to get A’s i.d. and session key R


7.  A and B communicate using session key R for encryption.



Process for obtaining a public key


B may post it in public place (e.g. web page or .plan file), good for manual operations but not good for embedded automated encryption (e.g. web communication or secure IP routers)


B registers with a CA, which

* verifies B’s identify through an authentication procedure

* creates certificate containing B’s i.d., public key, expiration date

* digitally signs certificate


A then requests and obtains certificate from the CA.


To be sure certificate really came from the CA, A checks certificate’s digital signature.  This requires it to have the CA’s public key.  If it does not, it needs to obtain it in a recursive fashion!  Fun and games….




[notes | CSC 465 | Peter Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]


Updated 7 May 2001