Useful Links Related to Data Communications and Networking


If you come across a web page that you think will benefit the CSC 465 class, drop me a line with the URL and I'll add it here! Names in parentheses are those who suggested the link, not the authors.

Descriptions and Tutorials on a number of Networking Topics (tip o' th' ol' net-hat to David Nemeth)
Winsock2 : Sockets for Windows, version 2.0 (Aaron Hay)
Winsock Internet Resources (David Nemeth) 
Windows Socket (Winsock) 1.1 Specification (David Nemeth)
Chaffing and Winnowing : Confidentiality without Encryption (Written by Ronald Rivest of MIT, recommended by Eric Shade)
U of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab network Tutorials (thanks to Bob Wise, who wrote from his CompuServe account)
The ATM Forum (Bob Wise)
The ADSL Forum (Bob Wise)
Ethernet Website from University of Texas (Pete Sanderson)
Virtual Library - Networking (Pete Sanderson)
Virtual Library - Telecommunications (Pete Sanderson)
A Brief Tutorial on ATM (suggested by Bob Wise; a bit dated but still quite a good introduction)
ICANN : Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Pete Sanderson)
InterNIC, domain name registration services (David Nemeth)
ARIN -- American Registry for Internet Numbers (David Nemeth)
NSI, ICANN and the "dot com wars" (Pete Sanderson)
NGI: Next Generation Internet (suggested by Dr. George Strawn of NSF at Oct 1998 SMSU presentation)
Internet2 project (suggested by Dr. George Strawn of NSF at Oct 1998 SMSU presentation)
vBNS project (suggested by Dr. George Strawn of NSF at Oct 1998 SMSU presentation) 
Jini project (networked operating environment based on Java, under development at Sun)
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (for fiber optic communication, contributed indirectly by D'Lynn Robinson)
DirecPC satellite internet connection
Internet Engineering Task Force
Optical networking system (Opticair) that transmits through the atmosphere (D'Lynn Robinson)
Web ProForum Tutorials on various telecom topics (D'Lynn Robinson)
UCLA Professor and Net Pioneer Leonard Kleinrock (Pete Sanderson)
Computer encryption code is expression covered by First Amendment (Pete Sanderson)
ICANN suggests new domain suffixes (4/19/2000) (Pete Sanderson)
New root DNS server (4/20/2000) (Pete Sanderson)


An unrelated link that should be of great interest

The NPR (National Public Radio) 100 most important musical works of the 20th century.

[ CSC 465 | Peter Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]

Last reviewed: 24 April 2000

Peter Sanderson ( )