CSC 465 Assignment 6


Research Paper and Presentation



Written paper due:  May 9, 2001

Presentations: May 9-10, 2001

Questions: May 9-10, 2001


The research paper part of the assignment is described in an accompanying document.  It is available on the course web at:


You are also to prepare and deliver an oral presentation on your research paper.  Here are the specifics:


§         Plan for a 10-minute talk.  Please rehearse, because it is amazing how little you can really say in 10 minutes! 

§         Prepare visual aids for display by the LCD projector (via the instructor computer).  For most of you, this will be a PowerPoint presentation.  Anti-softies may use a reasonable alternative.

§         In designing your slides, avoid stressful color combinations (such as red letters on blue background).  Dark lettering on light background is preferred, for better visibility in Cheek 212.

§         The presentation should be well organized, with clearly defined introductions and conclusions.  If your paper is well organized, the presentation can follow the same structure.

§         Presentations will be scheduled for Wednesday May 9 and Thursday May 10.  I will give you the presentation schedule ahead of time.


In addition, you will submit to me, in writing, two questions about your presentation suitable for inclusion on the third exam.  The questions are due at the time of your presentation.  It can be multiple choice or short answer, comparable to one of my 2-3 point questions.  I may use either question as is, in a modified form, or not at all.  I won't use both.





This assignment is worth 100 points total. 


The paper will be graded based on: conformity to specifications (length, references), structure, spelling and grammar, correctness of content, and correspondence of content to assigned topic.  Maximum 75 points.


The presentation will be graded based on: conformity to specifications (length, visual aids), structure, appearance of preparedness, and correspondence of presentation content to research paper content.  Maximum 25 points.


[ assignments | CSC 465 | Peter Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]

Last reviewed: 17 April 2001

Peter Sanderson ( )