Menus, Forms, and Dialog Boxes

(Based on Shneiderman Chapter 7)


[ lecture notes | CSC 397 | Pete Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]

Table of Contents

The World of Menus
Organize for Task Support
Menu Layout
Menu fast select and response time
Form Fillin
Dialog Boxes


Chapter 7 of Designing the User Interface Third Edition, by Ben Shneiderman.
Human-Computer Interaction 2nd edition, by Dix, Finlay, Abowd, Beale, Prentice Hall Europe, 1998.


Menus and forms considered "attractive alternatives" to DM. Why?

Their use does not guarantee appealing and easy to use UI!

Shneiderman definitions:

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The World of Menus

How many kinds can you name, based on Shneiderman definition?

(pulldown, popup, check box, command buttons, radio buttons, www links, toolbar, palette, . . .).

A tour through MacWrite and Word 97 revealed a large number of techniques. 

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Organize for Task Support

M,F,and DB should be designed and organized to support user tasks.

Some menu organizations include:

1. single menu: two or more items simultaneously available.

2. linear sequences and multiple menus: guided sequence of choices (such as Wizard)

3. tree-structured menus: requires classification into mutually-exclusive categories

4. acyclic and cyclic menu networks:


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Menu Layout

Menu Item Sequence:

Menu Item Names:

Other layout guidelines:


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Menu Fast Select and Response time

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Form Fillin


Here are some Shneiderman guidelines for designing such a form.

  1. Give form a meaningful title
  2. Group related fields
  3. Separate groups with space.
  4. Uniformly distribute and align fields/groups on form.
  5. Match screen form layout to paper form (if data entry from paper)
  6. Use concise instructions in command form ("Type the address.").
  7. When instructing user to type normal characters, use "type".
  8. When instructing user to type control keys, use "press".
  9. Use the word "enter" only to refer to Enter key.
  10. Use familiar and consistent terminology for field labels.
  11. Allow easy movement between fields (tab, arrows)
  12. Prevent input errors (through e.g. list selection)
  13. Allow easy error correction
  14. Use concise error messages in familiar terms
  15. Show error messages only after erroneous field value complete.
  16. When cursor is on field, provide explanation in standard place.
  17. Use coded fields as appropriate
    (e.g. for ss#, supply dashes and skip forward automatically)
  18. Mark optional fields and place them at end if appropriate
  19. Explicit completion signal (e.g. Submit or OK button)


There are many more guidelines, concerning use of graphics, color, multiscreen, etc., which are not addressed here.

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Dialog Boxes

What is the difference between a form and a dialog box? According to Dix, et al :

Direct quote from Dix et al: "Dialog boxes are information windows used by the system to bring the user's attention to some important information, possibly an error or a warning used to prevent a possible error. Alternatively, dialog boxes are used to invoke a subdialog between user and system for a very specific task that will normally be embedded within some larger task."

Dialog boxes range from very simple (click OK in response to message), to quite complex (e.g. Word 97 Font specification, or Open dialog).

Shneiderman relates dialog boxes to menus and forms:
"Dialog box design combines menu-selection and form-fillin issues with additional concerns about consistency across hundreds of dialog boxes and relationship with other items on the screen."

Some guidelines for designing menus also apply to dialog boxes.

Most guidelines for designing form fillin also apply to dialog boxes.

Dialog boxes pop up in front of other UI info, so:

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[ lecture notes | CSC 397 | Pete Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]

Last reviewed: 2 November 1998

Peter Sanderson ( )