User Interface Development Tool: Tcl/Tk


[ lecture notes | CSC 397 | Pete Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]

Table of Contents

Tcl characteristics
Tk characteristics
Procedure for preparing demo
Hello world in Tcl/Tk with variations
Packing using geometry manager
The ExecLog example


Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk 2nd Edition, by Brent Welch
Scriptics ("The Tcl Platform Company") provides definitive Tcl web resource
Sun Microsystems also supports Tcl/Tk
MI/X is a free X server for Mac or Windows from MicroImages..


TCL = Tool Command Language

TK = Tool Kit

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TCL characteristics

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TK characteristics


A sampling of Tk widgets:


Container widget used with geometry managers


Command button


One of a set of radio buttons linked to variable


Creates a menu


Supports lines, boxes, arcs, polygons, widgets, etc


Read-only one-line label


One-line text entry widget


Read-only multi-line text


Scrollbar linked to another widget


Scale widget to adjust value of a variable

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Procedure for preparing demo

MI/X is a free X server for Mac or Windows from MicroImages. As of October 1998, the Windows version is X11R5, the Mac version is X11R6. Thanks to Jeff Peck for providing this URL.

In the X world, server is local and client is remote. In the demo configuration, server runs on the Gateway (WinNT), client runs on

Procedure to run the demo is:

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Hello World in Tcl/Tk with variations


button .hello -text Hello \
-command {puts stdout "Hello, World!"}
pack .hello -padx 20 -pady 10


Variation on code (does not affect display):

set theButton .hello
button $theButton -text Hello \
-command {puts stdout "Hello, World!"}
pack $theButton -padx 20 -pady 10


Variation to show dynamic attributes:

button .hello -text Hello \
-command {.hello config -text Goodbye! \
-command exit}
pack .hello -padx 20 -pady 10

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Packing using geometry manager

(chap 12 in Welch first edition, chap 20 in second edition)

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The ExecLog Example

An interface for entering Unix commands into text entry field with output displayed in separate scrolling text window. Demonstrates a number of the techniques described above, and then some. Primary frame has two child frames: one contains the text entry field and two buttons ("Run it" and "Quit"); the other contains the text output window along with its scrollbar. This is example 19-1 from Welch second edition (example 11-1 from first edition).

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[ lecture notes | CSC 397 | Pete Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]

Last reviewed: 15 October 1998

Peter Sanderson ( )