What? revisited!

CSC 397 Lab Assignment 5

Assigned 15 October 1998

Due 5 November 1998


100 points, 10% of your course grade.


This is a programming assignment, to be completed with a partner or two (teams of 2 or 3).

WHAT is the Web-based Hypertext Advisement Tool (no, I didn't come up with the acronym!). It was developed by the Spring 1996 Software Engineering class, as the first ever Web-oriented CSC 450 project. It is easily accessible from the CSC dept web page.

Your are to develop a new graphical user interface for WHAT. Here are the basic requirements.

We'll go with that for now. I reserve the right to add further extensions until October 22.

Submit your solutions to the eccentric upload folder of one team member. Also submit a readme text file explaining its use and any limitations.