Otterbein College
Department of Mathematical Sciences

C SC 225
Software Engineering: Design of Component-Based Software

Spring 2007 Syllabus

Class lecture:  TR 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. in Towers 115
lab:  TR 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. in Towers 115
Instructor Pete Sanderson
Office Towers 131
Office Hours MW 2:00-3:00 p.m., TR 5:00-6:00 p.m., by appointment, or any time my door is open
Phone 823-1317
Objectives This course focuses on the principles, patterns and frameworks of object-oriented design. By the end of this course you will be able to describe major OO design principles and how they are realized in Java; describe and apply major OO design patterns, the graphical user interface design framework and the refactoring process; produce an OO design using UML; write programs in an OO language other than Java; and write OO programs from an OO design.
Description Bridging from analysis to implementation, this course studies how to decompose a proposed system so that it can be implemented in a reliable and cost effective manner. Object-oriented design of component-based software is emphasized, and we will utilize CASE tools to document the design. The relationship between component design and component implementation will also be explored.
Prerequisites C SC 205, MATH 165 (recommended)
Texts Object-Oriented Design & Patterns, Second Edition, Cay Horstmann, Wiley, 2006.  ISBN 0-471-74487-5
Head First Design Patterns, Eric and Elisabeth Freeman, O'Reilly, 2004.  ISBN 0-596-00712-4

Additional resources on class web site

Projects I will assign several programming projects to be solved either individually or by teams. These projects will help you further develop not only technical skills but also your teamwork and interpersonal skills.
Exams There will one midterm exam and a comprehensive final exam.  The final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m.  Exams cover lecture and textbook material and projects. Make-ups will be scheduled only for documented emergencies.
All members of the Otterbein College community of learners are expected to follow the rules and customs of proper academic conduct. Proper conduct includes avoiding academic misconduct as defined in the Campus Life Handbook.  You are encouraged to help each other learn the course material. Unless specifically prohibited, you may discuss homework problems and lab projects with one another. Participants in these discussions enjoy the benefit of deeper and greater learning.

This course includes both individual and team assignments.  For individual assignments, the work you submit for evaluation must be your own; created by you while thinking it through.  Any individual work submitted for evaluation (assignments and exams) that includes work done by another, copying of another's work, or the result of following another's step-by-step keystrokes and mouse clicks, violates the academic integrity policy of this course.  For team assignments, the work you submit will be the product of the team. Taking credit for work that you did not participate in also violates the academic integrity policy of this course.  

When academic misconduct occurs as described above, you will receive a zero grade for that assignment or exam. The misconduct may also be reported to the Office of the Academic Dean. If a previous academic misconduct offense is on your record, you will receive a grade of F for this course and a referral to the judicial system.

Grading Your grade is based on a final course score in the range 0 to 100.  The components of this score and their weights are as follows: projects 55%, midterm exam 15%, final exam 30%.
RangeGradeRangeGrade RangeGrade
92 - 100 A 80 - 81.9 B- 68 - 69.9 D+
90 - 91.9 A- 78 - 79.9 C+ 60 - 67.9 D
88 - 89.9 B+ 72 - 77.9 C0 - 59.9F
82 - 87.9 B 70 - 71.9 C-  

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Pete Sanderson (