COMP 3400 Networks Lecture 1: Major Networking Concepts and Circuit Switching
major resource: Computer Networking (4th Edition), Kurose and Ross, Addison Wesley, 2008

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Major Networking Concepts

Protocol: “format and ordering of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities…”

Network edge: end systems, a.k.a. hosts that play the roles of clients, servers, peers

Client, server, peer

Network core: infrastructure to support interconnected routers and routing

Connection-oriented service

Going beyond the telephone analogy

Connectionless service

Connection-oriented or Connectionless service is end-to-end transport service and focus is on hosts.

Transport service hides the underlying network infrastructure ("core" in author's terminology).

Consider two basic approaches toward implementing switched communication:

Preliminary concept: bandwidth

More on Circuit Switching:


More on FDM

More on TDM

The major disadvantage of circuit switching is: since channel is reserved, bandwidth is wasted while inactive.

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Peter Sanderson (