Selected C references on web

Pete Sanderson
Verified 3 January 2017

C tutorial 1 (23:55): Learn C in Minutes
C tutorial 2 (30:55): Relational Operators, Logical Operators, If, Else, Else If, Conditional Operator, Bits, Bytes, Looping
C tutorial 3 (23:03): Switch, Arrays, Strings and more
C tutorial 4 (14:44): Pointers, Arrays and Functions

A series of 15 video C tutorials developed by Derek Banas

C Programming Video Tutorials for Beginners [ Complete Series ]

A series of 109 short (less than 10 minutes) video C tutorials developed by Learning Lad

A two-page (3 columns each) C reference card!  I printed this out.

A "C for Java Programmers" tutorial written for Cornell University's Operating Systems students.

A "C for Java Programmers" tutorial written by Steven Simpson at Lancaster University (UK).

Has topics listed in outline form, each are linked.  Links lead to nice explanation with many examples.

A C language library reference.  Commands and header files are listed in outline form with links.  Link takes you to textual explanation (a bit sparse, is like getting all man pages in one package).

This is a collection of links to C (and C++) tutorials, with a one paragraph summary of each.