Cell Biology - Class Notes for Exam #3

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LSc 202 Immune Response: Molecules and Cells Notes Winter 1999

Chapter 19 p. 270

Cells and Molecules of the Immune System

Antibodies (Immunoglobulins): found on B lymphocytes and secreted by B lymphocytes

How do antibodies function?

Macrophages engulf antibody-coated particles and agglutinated antigens by binding the Fc fragment (constant regions of antibody heavy chains) via an Fc Receptor.

Antibody Structure p.792 Fig 19-1

Clonal Selection Theory

Immunoglobulin Superfamily of Proteins : share structural similarity – immunoglobulin domain Fig. 19-12

Immune Response is the coordinated response involving macrophages, T cells (both cytotoxic or killer cells and helper cells) and B cells

MHC antigens : review structure and function from exam #2 notes & Fig. 19-13 class I

Fig. 19-14 depicts antigen processing by B cells and presentation by MHC class II

Antigen processing and presentation

T cell Receptor

T killer cells (CTLs) CD8+ T helper cells CD4+
recognizes specific antigens presented by class I MHC molecules recognizes specific antigens presented by class II MHC molecules
typically endogenously-produced antigens (Ex: viral proteins made by and infected cell) typically exogenously-produced antigens that are endocytosed from the extracellular fluid
action: destroys target cells by creating pores in the plasma membrane action: secretes growth and differentiation factors (interleukins), stimulate B cells to produce and secrete antibodies and differentiate into memory B cells
recognition of foreign MHC I molecules à lyse cells (without additional antigenic peptides) recognition of foreign MHC II molecules à help stimulate immune responses


Immune system goes awry – Autoimmunity and Allergies

Autoimmune diseases – recognition and immune response to self antigens

Allergies – overzealous immune response to some antigens (allergens)

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