Best Of the Weitkamp Astrophoto Gallery

Here are the 11 best photos (of 500 and counting…) of the Weitkamp Archives.


1)      Saturn

2)      Saturn with Moons

3)      Jupiter with Great Red Spot

4)      Jupiter with Moons

5)      Waning Venus

6)      Artsy Moon

7)      Lunar South Pole Region

8)      Orion Nebula

9)      Globular Star Cluster M3

10)   Spiral Galaxy M51

11)   Open Star Cluster M46 in Puppis with Planetary Nebula

12)  Dumbbell Nebula (M27)

13)  Wild Duck Cluster (M11)


1) Saturn (March 9, 2004, 20:50 EST)

(Photographed with the LX200 10”, and department’s Sony DSC F-717 Digital Camera)



2) Saturn with Moons (March 9, 2004, 20:56 EST)

(Photographed with the LX200 10”, and department’s Sony DSC F-717 Digital Camera)



3) Jupiter with Great Red Spot

(Feb 23, 2004 with C-8 from Dennison Ave, Barlow lens & full zoom,

Exp. 1/5”, A 2.0, seeing worsening from cold haze, just got lucky…)



4) Jupiter and Moons (23 Feb 2004, 23:10 EST)



5) Waning Venus (January 20, 2004, 18:22 EST)

(Photographed with the  C-14, department’s Sony DSC F-717 Digital Camera)



6) Artsy Moon (March 2, 2004, 21:00)



7) Lunar South Pole Region (March 2, 2004, 21:00)



8) Orion Nebula (M42/M43) (March 9, 2004)



9) Globular Star Cluster in Canes Venatici (M3)



10) M51:Spiral Galaxy in Canes Venatici (“Whirlpool Galaxy”)

(Can you see the spiral arms?)



11) Open Star Cluster in Puppis (M46)

(Can you see the planetary nebula in the cluster?)


12) Dumbbell Nebula (M27)

      (photographed with C8, Canon 10D SLR camera, 146 sec exposure, handguided)



13) Wild Duck Cluster (M11)




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Copyright © 2004 Uwe Trittmann

This document was last updated March 18, 2004.