Applet example: testing the IntArrayBag


Note: all code except "remove" part comes from textbook chapter 3 section 4.



Running the applet

Compile as usual. Applet is activated through "appletviewer" command or from browser. In either case, an HTML <applet></applet> tag pair is required, so you need a little HTML file containing at minimum the following content: <applet code="BagApplet.class" width=480 height=340></applet>

The width and height indicate size of applet window in pixels. Save this short bit of code in BagApplet.html, then point your browser or appletview to it. Run the BagApplet here.


Components of the applet


The GUI components

Three types are demonstrated here: Button, TextField, and TextArea.

Each component is declared and created as an instance variable. Important: it is not yet displayed at this time.


The init() method

When your applet is run, the init() method in your class is executed. In that sense, it is like main(), except it is not static. Main is not used for applets, but by defining both an init and a main, it is possible for a class to be run either as an applet or an application.

This method serves three major functions:

1. place the GUI components onto the UI window.

  1. AWT defines various layout methods,
  2. This example uses the default layout: left-to-right, top-to-bottom, no pixel positions specified.
  3. Allows window to be specified in system-independent (abstract) way.
  4. GUI component (created upon declaration) specified as parameter to "add()" method.
  5. "add()" inherited from Applet class
  6. Look of interface changes if order of "add"s are changed.
  7. This example defines utility methods to add horizontal lines and force next component to be placed on next line.

2. associate action listeners with active GUI components (buttons).

  1. Each button has "addActionListener()" method.
  2. Parameter must be object of class that "implements ActionListener".
  3. Such a class must define method "public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)"
  4. This method specifies code executed when button is clicked.
  5. Generally, one such class is defined for each button, as an "inner class"

3. When execution reaches the end of init, the UI window is displayed and user can interact with the applet.


The action listeners

One class is defined for each button, and one object of this class is instantiated and associated with the button in init().

This class is defined inside the BagApplet class. This is called "inner class" and is necessary to allow your code to access the GUI components.

Each class has a standard template:

Class action_listener_class_name_here implements ActionListener
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
		// your code here


Look at the code associated with "add" button

1. In declaration of BagApplet class components. elementText is a TextField into which user will type in the value to be added to the bag.

Button addButton = new Button("add( )");
TextField elementText = new TextField(10);

2. Adding the button and textfield to UI, in init:


3. Associating button with action listener, in init:

addButton.addActionListener(new AddListener( ));

4. Define AddListener inner class:

class AddListener implements ActionListener
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
			String userInput = elementText.getText( );
			int element = Integer.parseInt(userInput);
			feedback.append(element + " has been added to the bag.\n");
		catch (NumberFormatException e)
			feedback.append("Type an integer before clicking button.\n");
			elementText.requestFocus( );
			elementText.selectAll( );


How to add a working "remove" button to

1. In declaration of class components, add two more instance variables:

Button removeButton = new Button("remove( )");
TextField removeElemText = new TextField(10);


2. Add those GUI components to UI layout, in init method.


3. Associate a listener object (class specified below) with the button, in init method.

removeButton.addActionListener(new RemoveListener( ));


4. Develop listener inner class to be used with this button. In this case, you can copy the AddListener class and make a couple modifications.

class RemoveListener implements ActionListener
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
			String userInput = removeElemText.getText( );
			int element = Integer.parseInt(userInput);
			feedback.append(element + " has been removed from the bag.\n");
		catch (NumberFormatException e)
			feedback.append("Type an integer before clicking button.\n");
			removeElemText.requestFocus( );
			removeElemText.selectAll( );

Run the modified BagAppletRemove here.

[ Lectures | CSC 132 | Peter Sanderson | Computer Science | SMSU ]

Last reviewed: 18 September 2000

Peter Sanderson ( )