COMP 3400 Networks Lecture 4: Application Layer - DNS, P2P, Sockets
major resource: Computer Networking (4th Edition),
Kurose and Ross, Addison Wesley, 2008
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Application Layer service: DNS (Domain Name System)
Overview of DNS
DNS network organization
- Service must be distributed because of its database is so large and dynamic
- Organization is a very shallow but wide tree (few levels, many siblings)
- Root Servers at the root of the tree. There are currently 13, each replicated
- TLD Servers (Top Level Domain) just below. These represent the last component of
a server's name (organization and country codes such as com, org, fr,
us, jp, and so forth)
- Authoritative Servers provided by each organization to hold DNS database entries for its
servers and to perform DNS functions concerning them
- Every host has the IP address of a local server to which the host will request DNS service
- The process is addressed next.
Pure Recursive DNS query
- Each client in request chain issues DNS request on behalf of original requester and gets definitive response - resource record(s) or error.
- Request travels from local server up the hierarchy and back down to authoritative server, then recurses back to local server
- Example: A worst case recursive query for “” is this:
- Host asks local server for IP address
- Local server doesn't know but asks a root server
- Root server notes the "edu" and asks the TLD server for "edu" domain
- TLD server for "edu" doesn’t know but asks authoritative server for "".
- Authoritative server for "" retrieves the entry from its DNS database, packages it into a message,
and returns it to the TLD server
- TLD server relays the response message to the root server
- Root server relays the response message to the local server
- Local server relays the response to the original host
- Note the large amount of network traffic and demand on the root server. We'll address both issues.
Iterative DNS query
- All requests are made by local server and all responses go directly to the
local server.
- Response will contain either the DNS record or identity of another server to ask
- Example: A worst case iterative query for “” is this:
- Host asks local server for IP address
- Local server doesn't know but asks a root server
- Root server doesn't know but responds to local server with the address of a TLD server for "edu"
- Local server asks the TLD server for "edu"
- TLD server for "edu" doesn’t know but responds to local server with the address of the authoritative server for ""
- Local server asks the authoritative server for ""
- Authoritative server for "" retrieves the record from its DNS database, packages it into a message,
and returns it to the local server
- Local server relays the response to the original host
- Same number of messages, but less demand on the root and TLD servers since they don't have to
relay responses.
- Note this is not purely iterative, since there is no response to the original requesting host
until the end
Caching is Critical to DNS Performance
- Response containing an answer (DNS record) is cached by recipient
- More precisely, DNS record containing name-to-IP mapping is cached (more below)
- If multiple requests for same server are made over a short period of time, all but the
first will be handled by local server
- Caching obviously reduces network traffic, reduces DNS server loads, reduces response time
- Local server commonly caches TLD server addresses so it can by-pass root server
DNS Security and Resilience are Paramount
- DNS service is used by all applications that require name-to-IP translation
- What would happen if root servers were brought down by denial-of-service, or infected?
- What if the DNS system, or any of its servers, were poisoned to give bogus responses (pharming)?
- DNS is heavily fortified and has survived all attacks so far with little negative consequence
Alternative Root Servers
- There are renegade "alternative root servers" out there, supporting ICANN’s TLDs plus a slew of others.
- OpenNIC is a prominent one, see
- This is not very difficult to implement, but ICANN does not like it one bit...
- For more info, see for example the Wikipedia entry for Alternative DNS root (how authoritative is Wikipedia?)
Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Applications and Protocols
Intro and Major Issues
- A "leaderless" architecture; all participants are peers
- No always-on, well-known server
- Major advantages
- Resilient (no single point of failure)
- Scalable (no single bottleneck as demand rises)
- Greater freedom (not at mercy of server)
- Major disadvantages
- More network overhead
- potentially less trustworthy (have to depend on peers)
- anything else?
- Major applications based on P2P architecture
- File distribution - such as BitTorrent
- Instant messaging
- Internet Telephony (VoIP) - such as Skype
- Scalability example: distributing a file of size F
- client-server with 1 server and N clients scales linearly, total server time N * F
- P2P with N requesting peers scales logarithmically, original peer time is F then redistributed in parallel by receiving peers
- Major P2P issues include
- Joining a network
- Finding what you need
- Downloading
- Contributing to the network by uploading
- Leaving the network
Sockets Programming for TCP
Inter-process communication through sockets
- process is running program
- How does a client process communicate with server process to make request?
- How does a server process communicate with client process to give response?
- Both happen through sockets, the API to the transport layer
- Sockets are message-passing mechanism between application and transport layers
- Also applies to P2P because it is fundamentally client-server-based, client initiating request and server responding
- Sockets API (library) is fairly easy to use in C, C++, Java and other languages
- Java provides high-level support (more later)
- How to address the process at the other end?
- IP address (32 bits, 128 with IPv6), network layer, identifies machine
- port number integer that identifies the process
- There could be several Internet processes running at that IP address
- Each service has standard port number, so sender knows what to use (e.g. 80 for HTTP)
Overview of Sockets
- API between application and transport layers
- (rephrased) Your application program uses them to communicate with network and OS
- Internet sockets come in two flavors: TCP-based and UDP-based
- We'll focus on TCP:
- Guaranteed sequenced and error-free delivery
- Connection-oriented stream service
- Basic protocol for TCP-based sockets
- 3-way handshake to establish client-server connection
- 2-way communication through connection socket
- close connection socket when finished
- Each service and socket communicates over a designated port
- Client and server each follow distinct protocol
Client protocol (typical):
- Request socket connection, wait for confirmation
- Send request over socket
- Wait for and receive server reply over socket
- Repeat send-receive cycle (steps 2 and 3) as required by application protocol
- Close socket connection
Server protocol (typical):
- Create a server socket to handle incoming connection requests
- Wait for incoming connection requests
- When request arrives, create a connection socket for communication
(this leaves server socket free to accept additional connection requests)
- Receive client request over connection socket
- Send reply to client over connection socket
- Repeat receive-send cycle (steps 4 and 5) as required by application protocol
- Close connection socket
Simple Example Java client and server
- We will demo and examine simple Java application that uses TCP sockets
- The package provides great library support for sockets |
class TCPClient {
public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception {
String sentence;
String modifiedSentence;
BufferedReader inFromUser =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
Socket clientSocket = new Socket("", 6789);
DataOutputStream outToServer =
new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader inFromServer =
new BufferedReader(new
sentence = inFromUser.readLine();
outToServer.writeBytes(sentence + '\n');
modifiedSentence = inFromServer.readLine();
System.out.println("FROM SERVER: " + modifiedSentence);
| |
class TCPServer {
public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception {
String clientSentence;
String capitalizedSentence;
ServerSocket welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(6789);
while(true) {
Socket connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept();
BufferedReader inFromClient =
new BufferedReader(new
DataOutputStream outToClient =
new DataOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
clientSentence = inFromClient.readLine();
capitalizedSentence = clientSentence.toUpperCase() + '\n';
[ COMP 3400
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