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General Brock's monument. It is located in Queenston Heights, the final resting place of General Brock. He was a British general based in NOTL who fought the American's here during the War of 1812 and was killed during the battle. Click here for more information.

Until reading that web page, it had not occurred to me that the bicentennial of that war is fast approaching. There will be many commemorative activies in the Niagara region.

If you turn 180 degrees from this monument, you look out over the river to the original location of Niagara Falls. Due to the soft stone in the Escarpment area, the falls has worn away 8 or more miles to the south! This has taken place over a relatively short period of time, since the last ice age. The rate of erosion has been slowed in modern times by diverting much of the river water through pipes that go around the falls, particularly at night.