C SC 340: Operating Systems
Spring 2009
Pete Sanderson

Project Assignments

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Project 1 : Gentle Introduction to C Programming   (20 points, due before 14 April lab)
Project 2 : Multithreaded Java Matrix Multiplication   (15 points, due before 23 April lab)
Project 3 : Java Consultant Chat Room Simulation   (15 points, due before 12 May lab)
Project 4 : The Hybrid Sort-Merger   (15 points, due 9 June)
Project 5 : Research Paper and Presentation   (30 points, due 26-28 May)

Notice these add up to 95, not 100. I'll throw in the remaining 5 for free.

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Last reviewed:
Pete Sanderson (PSanderson@otterbein.edu)