C SC 225: Software Engineering: Design of Component-Based Software
Spring 2007
Pete Sanderson

Spring 2007 approximate schedule

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The following schedule is approximate.  Any schedule revisions will be posted below as the quarter progresses.

Except where otherwise indicated, the major information resources are:
Object-Oriented Design & Patterns Second Edition, by Cay Horstmann, Wiley, 2006 (numbered chapters),
Head First Design Patterns, by Eric and Elisabeth Freeman, O'Reilly, 2004 (HFDP), and
Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java Second Edition, by Xiaoping Jia, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2003.

1 Mar 26-30 1, 2 Introduction and Overview
OO Design Process including UML
2 Apr 2-6 3 Class Design Guidelines
3 Apr 9-13 4 Review Inheritance, Interfaces, Polymorphism
No Class Thursday (conference)
4 Apr 16-20 5, HFDP Comparison of Java and C# (61 KB Word doc)
Intro to Design Patterns: Iterator and Strategy
5 Apr 23-27 5, HFDP Design Patterns: Observer
Design Patterns: Decorator and Singleton
6 Apr 30 - May 4 HFDP Midterm Exam
Design Patterns: Composite
7 May 7-11 HFDP, 6 Design Patterns: Model-View-Controller
Introduction to Refactoring
8 May 14-18 7, 8 Java Object Model (selected topics in-depth)
OO Frameworks
9 May 21-25 9 Multi-threading and Concurrent Programming
10 May 28 - June 1 DFBSOTS User Interface Design: Goals
User Interface Design: Processes
11 June 4-8   Comprehensive Final Exam. 6:00-8:00 p.m. Tuesday June 5
Revision: 17 April - Settled on C# as the additional language to study.
Revision: 22 May - Week 10 topic will be user interface design, based on the book Designing from both sides of the screen by Isaacs and Walendowski, New Riders Publishing, 2004. (DFBSOTS)

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Last updated:
Peter Sanderson (PSanderson@otterbein.edu)