CSC 160
Lab Exercise 4

21 October 2008
5 Points
due before Thursday's lab


Login to and do the following String2 exercises: doubleChar, countHi, bobThere, and xyBalance.

For bonus credit of 2 points, do one of the following String3 exercises: equalIsNot or countYZ. A hint for equalIsNot : adapt the code from countHi. A hint for countYZ : the logic in your loop will be cleaner if you start by adding a space (" ") to the end of the parameter string and converting it to lower case. You have to complete the main set to get any bonus.

You will find the following String methods to be the most helpful. You will not necessarily need to use all of them.

Here is a direct link to the String API:

To Turn In

Nothing. I can check your solutions from JavaBat login.