CSC 150 Chapter 15: Selected Ethics Topics and Case Studies
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Ethical responsibilities of Software Engineers
and Computer Scientists
Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Association of Computing Machinery, ACM
ACM and IEEE Computer Society
Software Engineering case study: THERAC-25
THERAC-25 was developed for radiation treatment of cancerous tumors. It had two settings, a low setting called electron for tumors close to the surface and a high setting called x-ray for deeper ones. The x-ray setting must be used in conjunction with a tungsten shield. Controlled by a DEC (now owned by Compac) PDP-11/23 minicomputer.
It was poorly designed, and programmed in assembly language by one programmer. There was no documentation for the code, and equipment documentation was written in French.
This poor design led to the deaths of three people during 1985 and 1986 before it was discovered. Because death due to radiation is not normally instantaneous, they didn’t realize the problem until it was too late.
Several errors were made in system design, the most egregious being:
The scenario that led to the tragedies:
The operator mistakenly specified x-ray mode during data entry, then
a. moved the cursor to the command line area,
b. immediately noticed the mistake,
c. moved the cursor back to the data entry area
d. corrected the mistake by changing the X to E for electron (“low
beam”) mode.
e. moved the cursor back to the command line area
f. performed the above steps in less than 8 seconds
When step (a) was performed, the “data entry complete” flag was set (item 2). This also caused Magnet (item 3) to be called to set the magnets. While Magnet was iterating, the operator performed steps b, c, d and e. Because “bending magnet flag” was set false during the first call to Timer instead of after the last call, the check (item 4) which would have detected the operator’s actions was not performed. Magnet completed, having set everything up for x-ray mode even though the data entry screen now shows E for electron mode. The operator, now back at the command line, entered the command to start the beam.
The software check for tungsten shield was then performed, and this software noticed that the magnets were set for x-ray mode but the operator setting was for electron mode. It displayed error #54, and the operator reset the computer. This caused the tungsten shield to withdraw but left the machine in x-ray mode. X-rays were applied to the doomed patient.
Where do responsibilities lie?
Here is my major reference
Detailed investigation
University Computer Acceptable Use Policies
Here are two examples.
Carnegie Mellon University
Otterbein College
Intellectual property rights and piracy
There are many more issues; we may not even get this far....