COMP 340 Lecture 6: Process Synchronization

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additional resource: Modern Operating Systems (2nd Ed), Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, 2001.

Note: All the problems, solutions, and algorithms in this lecture apply equally to both processes and threads.

The synchronization problem

Illustrated with print spooler problem

A print spooler is software that permits "background" printing. Since printers are slower than just about everything, a user should be able to submit a print request, then continue working. The term spooler is fron the acronym SPOOL: Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line.

Suppose the print spooler uses a circular queue of file names as its data structure. The queue has front and rear indexes (to indicate the first and last file names in the queue. These data structures are shared by all processes that call the spooler's addToPrintQueue() method - a partial version is shown here:

void addToPrintQueue(String fileName) {
   int nextSlot = (rear+1) % queue.length;
   queue[nextSlot] = fileName;
   rear = nextSlot;
Files are removed from the queue by another process called the print daemon. We will not consider the print daemon here.

Example run 1: beginning configuration of spooler's shared memory is this

front rear queue
  [0][1] [2][3][4]
0 2 myfile.txt resume.doc    

Sequence of operations -- number in parentheses indicates sequence 1-6.
Process 1 (fileName is osh.c)Process 2 (fileName is index.html)
void addToPrintQueue(String fileName) {
(1)   int nextSlot = (rear+1) % queue.length;
(2)   queue[nextSlot] = fileName;
(3)   rear = nextSlot;
void addToPrintQueue(String fileName) {
(4)   int nextSlot = (rear+1) % queue.length;
(5)   queue[nextSlot] = fileName;
(6)   rear = nextSlot;
Analysis: everything is OK. After both processes are finished, the shared data structure looks like this:
front rear queue
  [0][1] [2][3][4]
0 4 myfile.txt resume.doc osh.c index.html

Example run 2: beginning configuration of shared memory is same as before
front rear queue
  [0][1] [2][3][4]
0 2 myfile.txt resume.doc    

Sequence of operations -- number in parentheses indicates sequence 1-6.
Process 1 (fileName is osh.c)Process 2 (fileName is index.html)
void addToPrintQueue(String fileName) {
(1)   int nextSlot = (rear+1) % queue.length;
(5)   queue[nextSlot] = fileName;
(6)   rear = nextSlot;
void addToPrintQueue(String fileName) {
(2)   int nextSlot = (rear+1) % queue.length;
(3)   queue[nextSlot] = fileName;
(4)   rear = nextSlot;
Analysis: everything is not OK! What happened? After both processes are finished, the shared data structure looks like this:
front rear queue
  [0][1] [2][3][4]
0 3 myfile.txt resume.doc osh.c  

Moral of the story:

When the outcome of an execution differs depending on the particular sequence in which usage of the shared variable occurs, we call the situation a race condition. Opportunities for these abound in software design (especially database design), and in OS design itself since several OS processes often work concurrently on the same kernel data structure.

Critical Section

Program segments where shared data are used by processes/threads are called critical sections. This is a section of code that no two threads can concurrently execute; each must have mutually exclusive use of the shared variable.

Illustrated with producer-consumer problem

For a more subtle example, let's look again at the producer-consumer problem.

Suppose we changed the implementation of MessageQueue to use an array rather than a Vector. The array is large but unspecified size; assume it is unbounded.

The resulting modified code (changes in bold) is:

import java.util.*;

public class MessageQueue {
   public MessageQueue() {
      size = 0;
      queue = new Object[UNBOUNDED];

   public void send(Object item) {
      queue[size] = item;

   public Object receive() {
      Object item;
      if (size == 0) {
         return null;
      } else {
         item = queue[size];
         return item;
   private Object[] queue;
   private int size;
Now, focus on manipulation of the shared variable size, in the send() statement size++; and the receive() statement size--;.

In a compiled language like C or C++, the statement size++; would be compiled into an assembly language statement sequence something like this:

LOAD     $1, size
ADD      $1, 1
STORE    $1, size
($1 is general purpose register 1).

Similarly, size--; would be compiled into something like:

LOAD     $1, size
STORE    $1, size

Consider this execution scenario:

  1. The current value of size is 4. There are 4 items in the buffer.
  2. The producer is running and the consumer is next in the ready queue.
  3. The producer produces a new item and calls send().
  4. The producer executes code to place the item in buffer position 4.
  5. The producer executes: LOAD $1, size (loads 4 into register)
  6. The producer executes: ADD $1, 1 (increments register value to 5)
  7. A higher priority thread interrupts and producer is preempted.
  8. The interrupting process/thread completes and scheduler selects consumer to run.
  9. The consumer calls receive()
  10. The consumer executes: LOAD $1, size (loads 4 into register)
  11. The consumer executes: SUBTRACT $1, 1 (decrements register value to 3)
  12. The consumer executes: STORE $1, size (stores 3 into size)
  13. A higher priority thread interrupts and consumer is preempted.
  14. The interrupting process/thread completes and scheduler selects producer to run.
  15. The producer executes: STORE $1, size (stores 5 into size)
  16. The producer is finished with send()
  17. The scheduler selects consumer to run.
  18. The consumer copies the item from either buffer element 3 or 5 - depends on whether or not the assembly code for calculating the buffer element re-loads size into the register.
There are many other scenarios that lead to such errors, and many that work perfectly well.

Mutual exclusion (mutex) solutions

We'll look at several possible means of assuring a process/thread mutually exclusive access to its critical section. A good solution must meet these criteria:

  1. mutual exclusion: no more than one process can be executing its critical section at a time
  2. progress: a process not in its critical section cannot block another process from entering its own critical section
  3. finite wait: no process should be allowed to starve, e.g. have to wait indefinitely to enter its critical region
  4. relative speed: the above three criteria must be met regardless of the number or speeds of CPUs involved

In the sections to follow, we will describe and evaluate several possible solutions to the mutual exclusion problem. They include:

  1. disabling interrupts
  2. Peterson's solution
  3. Test-and-Set-Lock machine instruction
  4. semaphores
  5. monitors

Disabling Interrupts

One way to assure that a process can not be interrupted while in its critical section is to disable system interrupts upon entry and re-enable them upon exit. This is appealing in its simplicity but is not viable because it gives user processes too much power -- suppose the critical section gets caught in an infinite loop?

An effect similar to this is achieved through nonpreemptive kernels. This is where a process cannot be preempted while running in kernel mode. Windows XP does this, as did Linux until kernel version 2.6.

Peterson's Solution

Assures mutual exclusion between two processes, but does not work for more than two.

Define a shared int (or boolean) variable called turn, initialized to either 0 or 1. This keeps track of whose turn it is to enter the critical section. A process awaits its turn using the technique of busy waiting -- in a continous loop testing turn value.

Define a shared data structure: a boolean array called, say, ready, with two elements (one per process). ready[i] indicates whether or not process i is ready to enter its critical section.

/*  Process i code.  Assume j (1-i) is the other process */
while (true) {
    ready[i] = true;
    turn = j;
    while (ready[j] && turn == j)
    ready[i] = false;

This works in the crucial scenario that both processes attempt to enter their critical section at about the same time: each sets turn to the other's ID but only the second such assignment will "stick"; the first is overwritten. Thus turn will have the ID of the first one! Think about it...

Consider the while condition from its inverse: process i will spin in the while loop until either it is i's turn or j is not ready (e.g. j is in its nonCritical section). Briefly addressing the criteria for critical sections:

Mutual exclusion: Since turn is not modified inside the critical section and turn cannot simultaneously have the values i and j, the turn==j condition alone would insure mutually exclusive access to the critical section (in strict alternation).
Progress: The ready array is needed to assure the progress requirement. In other words, process i should be able to enter its critical section if it is ready and process j is not ready, regardless of whose turn it is. The ready[j] term in the while condition assures this.
Starvation:If i is in the critical section and j wants to be, then j is assured of getting in the critical section before i can have it again. Explanation: In this situation, j is spinning in its while loop having set ready[j] = true;. In the worst case, i will continue to run after finishing its critical section then perform its non-critical section and become ready to use its critical section again. Just before its while loop, i will set turn = j;. Then i will begin spinning in its while loop, because j is ready and it is j's turn. Eventually, j gets to run again and in the next spin of its while loop the condition will be false because it is j's turn. Then j can enter its critical section.

Nice solution but it only works for two processes plus it uses busy-waiting, a nuisance and CPU-time-waster that we'll deal with later.

Test-and-Set-Lock machine instruction

This solution requires the hardware to have a machine instruction TSL (Test-and-Set-Lock). This machine instruction has the format:

where RX is a machine register and LOCK is a shared variable. What the instruction does is loads the value of LOCK into register RX then sets the value of LOCK to 1, indivisibly! Since it is a single machine instruction it cannot be interrupted partway through. If the two operations could be separated, it would not work reliably.

The shared variable acts as a lock:

Thus a process wanting to enter its critical section follows this sequence (pseudo assembly code):
TRY:  TSL REGISTER, LOCK       # copy lock value into register and set LOCK to 1.
      CMP REGISTER, ZERO       # compare value in register to 0.
      BNE TRY                  # if not equal to 0, loop back to try again
      # Critical section goes here
      MOV LOCK, ZERO           # sets LOCK to 0
      # Non-critical section goes here
      B   TRY                  # go back jack and do it again
Note that if LOCK was initially 1, the TSL just sets it to its same value.

Expressing it in Java

class Lock {
    private boolean lockVar = false;
    public boolean get() { return lockVar; }
    public void set(boolean val) { lockVar = val; }

// This is an indivisible operation boolean testAndSet(Lock lok) { boolean result = lok.get(); lok.set(true); return result; }
// code that uses shared Lock variable lock while (true) { while (testAndSet(lock)) ; criticalSection(); lock.set(false); nonCritical(); }

Fast solution, fast, works for any number of processes, but starvation is possible and it uses busy-waiting and requires machine support. It is also complicated to use.

The starvation issue can be addressed using, in addition to the lock, a boolean array with one element per process. The array element indicates whether or not the process is waiting for the lock. This does not affect the TestAndSet() operation but makes the client code for obtaining and releasing the lock even more complex.


This technique for mutual exclusion was developed in the 1960's by Edsgar Dijkstra (who passed away in summer 2002). A semaphore is an shared variable that, once initialized, can be accessed only through operations called P() and V(). These are acronyms for Dutch words, so most call them by different names: P() is also known as acquire() or down() and V() is also known as release() or up().

We will use acquire() and release() terminology.

Semaphores come in two flavors: binary and counting. The former is used to assure mutual exclusion, the latter to permit up to a given fixed number of processes into a code section simultaneously.

The basic usage of a binary semaphore is as follows:

  1. the semaphore is created and initialized before any process attempts its critical section
  2. a process wishing to access its critical section calls acquire().
  3. after the return from acquire(), the process enters its critical section.
  4. after completing its critical section, the process calls release().
Client usage is stated more succinctly as :
Semaphore mutex;   // shared among all processes
. . .
while (true) {

A newly-created semaphore is normally initialized to the maximum number of processes which should be simultaneously allowed into the code it protects. For binary semaphore, this is 1.

A semaphore can be used to coordinate any number of processes, and semaphores do not use busy-waiting. In order for semphores to work, the acquire() and release() operations must be indivisible.

The components of a semaphore could be expressed using Java class notation:

public class Semaphore {
    private int value;
    private PCBList blockList;
    public Semaphore(int init) {
        value = init;
        blockList = new PCBList();
    public void acquire() {                      public void release() {
        value--;                                  value++;
        if (value < 0) {                          if (value <= 0) {
            blockList.add(thisProcess);               process p = blockList.remove();
            thisProcess.block();                      p.wakeup();
        }                                         }
    }                                         }

In acquire(), variable thisProcess refers to the currently running process. Assume PCBList is a collection structure for holding a list of Process Control Blocks.

The normal operation of a binary semaphore is as follows:

  1. The semaphore, call it mutex, is created and initialized to 1.
  2. Process A reaches its critical section, calls mutex.acquire()
  3. The semaphore value is decremented to 0, the if condition fails, and acquire() returns.
  4. Process A goes into its critical section.
  5. Process B reaches its critical section, calls mutex.acquire()
  6. The semaphore value is decremented to -1, the if condition is true, and process B blocks.
  7. Process A emerges from its critical section, calls mutex.release()
  8. The semaphore value is incremented to 0, the if condition is true, and process B is awoken.
  9. The next time process B runs, it resumes, returns from mutex.acquire()
  10. Process B goes into its critical section.
  11. etc.
Remember I stated that a semaphore can coordinate any number of processes? Check out this sequence:
  1. The semaphore, call it mutex, is created and initialized to 1.
  2. Process A reaches its critical section, calls mutex.acquire()
  3. The semaphore value is decremented to 0, the if condition fails, and acquire() returns.
  4. Process A goes into its critical section.
  5. Process B reaches its critical section, calls mutex.acquire()
  6. The semaphore value is decremented to -1, the if condition is true, and process B blocks.
  7. Process C reaches its critical section, calls mutex.acquire()
  8. The semaphore value is decremented to -2, the if condition is true, and process C blocks.
  9. Process D reaches its critical section, calls mutex.acquire()
  10. The semaphore value is decremented to -3, the if condition is true, and process D blocks.
  11. Process A emerges from its critical section, calls mutex.release()
  12. The semaphore value is incremented to -2, the if condition is true, and one of processes B, C or D is awoken.
  13. etc.
Two things to note about this second sequence:

The discussion below on classical problems includes a producer-consumer solution that uses both a binary semaphore and two counting semaphores. The counting semaphores are used to maintain the empty/full status of the buffer.

Semaphores meet all the criteria for good mutual exclusion.


The knock against semaphores is they are primitive and unstructured, and have to be used very carefully. A single misplaced call to acquire() or release(), particularly when more than one semaphore is in use (see producer-consumer solution below), results in erroneous operation or complete deadlock!

In the 1970s, Tony Hoare and Per Brinch Hansen developed a structured synchronization mechanism called monitors.

A monitor is a language structure that resembles a class. It is a module that consists of variables, procedures and special constructs called conditions. It is tightly encapsulated: procedures may access only their local variables, monitor variables and conditions; monitor clients may access only its procedures.

Every procedure defined in a monitor inherently defines a critical section. In other words, only one process can be active in a monitor at a given instant.

Here is an outlined pseudocode example (keywords in bold):

monitor BoundBuffer {
   int i;
   condition x, y;
   procedure insert() {
      . . .
   procedure remove() {
      . . .
   BoundBuffer() {
      . . .
Every condition variable has two associated operations, wait() and signal().

Classical synchronization problems

We'll look briefly at a few:

Bounded Buffer producer-consumer with monitors

As an example, the bounded (blocking) producer-consumer could be implemented using two condition variables, one for a full buffer and another for an empty buffer. Insert and remove could be implemented as monitor procedures something like this:

monitor BoundBuffer {
    final int CAPACITY; 
    Buffer buffer;
    condition empty, full;
BoundBuffer(int capacity) { CAPACITY = capacity; buffer = new Buffer(CAPACITY); }
// PROCEDURES ARE PLACED SIDE BY SIDE FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES // // called only by producer. // called only by comsumer.
procedure insert(Object item) { Object procedure remove() { if (buffer.size()==CAPACITY) { if (buffer.size()==0) { full.wait(); empty.wait(); } } buffer.add(item); Object item = buffer.remove(); if (buffer.size()==1) { if (buffer.size() == CAPACITY-1) { empty.signal(); full.signal(); } } } return item; } } // end of monitor

Bounded Buffer producer-consumer with semaphores

You are familiar with the problem as well as a couple solutions. Here I present the essential parts of a blocking solution that uses semaphores:

//  Create semaphores in a place global to both producer and consumer...
Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1);
Semaphore empty = new Semaphore(CAPACITY);
Semaphore full  = new Semaphore(0);
Buffer buffer = new Buffer(CAPACITY);
mutex initial value is the number of processes/threads allowed in the critical section simultaneously. empty initial value is the number of empty buffer slots. full initial value is the number of filled buffer slots.
//  Called only by producer.                //  Called only by consumer.
public void insert(Object item) {           public Object remove() {
   empty.acquire();                            full.acquire();
   mutex.acquire();                            mutex.acquire();
   buffer.add(item);                           Object item = buffer.remove();
   mutex.release();                            mutex.release();
   full.release();                             empty.release();
}                                              return item;
Note: the producer call to empty.acquire(); will block the producer if the buffer is full! Study the initial value of empty and the code for acquire() to convince yourself of this. Its subsequent call to full.release() will awaken a consumer blocked for an empty buffer, if any.

Dining Philosophers with semphores

  • Five philosophers sit at a round table.
  • Each has a plate full of noodles in front of her and one chopstick on either side of her.
  • There are thus five plates and five chopsticks (one person's left chopstick is also her left neighbor's right chopstick).
  • A given philosopher alternates between thinking and eating.
  • To eat, a philosopher has to pick up the two chopsticks on either side of her.
  • She can pick up only one at a time, and cannot pick up a chopstick being used by her neighbor.
  • Once in possession of both chopsticks, she eats until satisfied then relinquishes them and goes back to thinking.
  • What is the largest number of philosophers who can eat simultaneously?

Obviously, a chopstick is the resource requiring mutually exclusive access. It is overly restrictive to assign one semaphore to represent all the chopsticks -- this allows only one philosopher to eat at a time. Suppose you define a semaphore for each chopstick. One possible solution is:

while (true) {
Surprisingly, this solution is not guaranteed to work! Suppose all five philosophers decide to eat at about the same time and all are able to get their left chopstick before any can get their right chopstick?!? What happens?

This can be solved using semaphores, and the textbook shows a solution using monitors. Both solutions are a somewhat complex and will not be considered here. They involve recording each philosopher's state: thinking, hungry, or eating. This introduces the "hungry" state to describe the period between wanting to eat and having control of both chopsticks.

Dining Philosophers with monitors

See solution in textbook. As with the semaphore solution, it requires each philosopher to be in one of three states: thinking, hungry, or eating. While thinking, the philosopher is not interested in eating. While hungry, the philosopher wants to eat but does not yet have control of both chopsticks. Once both are obtained, the philosopher transitions to the eating state and when finished relinquishes both chopsticks.

There is a nice applet that animates and traces the progress of a 5 person Dining Philosopher problem. See

Readers and Writers

A classic database problem involves maximizing the safe usage of a database by multiple concurrent processes. Processes are grouped into two categories: If all the processes are "readers", there is no need for mutually exclusive access; all can read concurrently without problem. Any "writers", however, must have mutually exclusive access to the database. A general solution must assume the process mix includes both readers and writers.

We will not cover solutions in detail. One solution strategy is this:

An alternate solution does not permit new readers into the database while a writer is waiting. What happens if writers consistently come along more frequently than readers?

The weakness in both solutions is they give one category of processes priority over the other and starvation can occur. There are better solutions.

Synchronization in Java

Java provides some language support for implementing mutual exclusion. Here is the lowdown:

Additional notes:

If only a portion of a method needs to be a critical section, it can instead be placed in front of a code block, e.g. synchronized(this) { . . }

I have read that use of volatile can in limited cases substitute for small critical sections. For example:

public class VolDemo {
   private volatile count = 0;
   public void yin() {
   public void yang() {
In this example, the operations count++ and count-- are done atomically (indivisibly) because count is declared volatile. If the critical section were to consist only of that statement, then synchronized is not needed. My information resource for this tidbit is

New in Java 1.5 (5.0)

The Java API now includes the java.util.concurrent package, which provides a number of handy interfaces and classes to support concurrent programming. Those most relevant to our concurrency coverage are:
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