COMP 325 Lecture 4: Teams and People
major resources: Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis, David Brown 2002, Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering 6ed, Schach 2005, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Schach 2008.

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sensitivity and people issues

Communication is key, both with clients, users, colleagues, managers.

Many of you will have taken or are taking COMM 280 by now, tell me about it

What kind of issues are involved in communicating with clients and users?

What kinds of issues are involved in communicating with colleagues? What kinds of issues are involved in communicating with management?

Team Building

The most effective teams have many things in common team size complementary skills: personality types complementary skills: technical skills complementary skills: interpersonal skills specific performance goals toward common purpose

Team Dynamics

teams typically follow predictable sequence of experiences over time

Team Structures

team structure affects number and complexity of communication channels

there are many models for software development teams, here are a few


Chief Programmer Team Hierarchical Team Agile Teams

The major organization in Agile is pair programming

The development team consists of possibly several pairs working in close proximity to facilitate integration testing and team ownership of code.

Synchronize and Stabilize Teams (Microsoft)

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Peter Sanderson (