Syllabus |
Dr. Jack Jenny
114 Battelle Fine Arts Center
Text: Breithaupt, Robert. The Complete Percussionist; A Guidebook for the Music Educator. 2nd ed. Oskaloosa, Iowa: C. L. Barnhouse, 2005.
Winter Quarter: Written Work
Quizzes 1 & 2............................................25%
Final Exam I (written).................................25%
Applied Work
Class Participation......................................10%
Final Exam (Snare Drum/Timpani)...............40%
Spring Quarter: Written Work
Quizzes 3 & 4.............................................20%
Recital Critique..............................................5%
Final Exam II (written).................................20%
Applied Work
Class Participation.......................................10%
Midterm (Snare Drum/Keyboard/Timpani)...20%
Final Exam (Snare Drum/Keyboard)............20%
Makeup exams will be offered only in the event of an excused absence.
Recital Critique: Attend and critique one concert which utilizes a considerable amount of percussion. This can be at Otterbein, one of the other area colleges, Columbus Symphony, etc. Discuss such topics as quality of performance, instruments, mallets and techniques used, repertoire. Critique should be one to two pages long (double spaced) and will be due Spring Quarter, within two weeks of the recital or at the final exam, which ever comes first.
Otterbein Percussion Ensemble: Wednesday, May 14, 8:00 p.m.
Assignments and grade progress may be accessed at
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Plagiarism and Cheating:
Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Please
refer to the Campus Life Handbook for Otterbein's governing policy.
Otterbein College is committed to ensuring that students
with disabilities have access to an education. In order to receive appropriate
accommodations in my class, you must first be registered with the Office for
Disability Services (x1618 or I strongly encourage
you to schedule an individual meeting with me as early in the quarter as possible
to discuss your needs and accommodation requests. If necessary, we can work
cooperatively with the Disability Services Coordinator to determine optimal
accommodations in this course.
Final Exams: |