Tertiary Structure

The overall three-dimensional arrangement of the secondary structures within a single peptide chain of a protein is called tertiary structure. There are several ways in which structures within a protein may be held together, such as:


Example #1 - Disulfide Bonds (the lysozyme structure)

In the structure below, there are four disulfide bonds between the eight cysteine amino acids. Look at the secondary structure to see how the disulfide bonds link together the helices and sheets.





Secondary Structure


Example #2 - Hydrophobic Interactions (the myoglobin structure)

In the following structure, the sidechains have been color-coded as either hydrophilic (polar, water-loving) or hydrophobic (non-polar, water-hating). The backbone is in purple. Use the "Slice" button to view a cross-section of the interior of the protein. Note how the hydrophilic sidechains tend to be located on the outer surface while the hydrophobic sidechains are kept on the inside and stabilize the tertiary structure.